Meatitis on penis. What could it be?

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The very tip of my penis (the meatus) has been red and inflammed for 2-3 weeks.  I am not experiencing any other symptoms.  There aren't any lesions, it doesn't burn when I urinate, it doesn't itch, there isn't any pain anywhere.  I am not experiencing any other symtoms common with stds.  If it is a STD what could it be?  The only contact I've had was with a man 8 weeks ago.  I only licked the shaft of his penis while holding my hand over the head and licked the scrotum.  If this is a STD what could I have caught from this exposure that would cause the meatitis?  Has anybody else experienced this or have any knowledge of meatitis and its causes?

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44 Replies

  • Posted

    Could be a yeast infection.
    • Posted

      Really?  What makes you say it could be a yeast infection?  How could I have gotten it?
    • Posted

      There are all sorts of living germs in our mouths. Soap can do it also not rinsing well.  Try a fungal cream. can get at Drug store. Or antibactrial soap. Keep it dry as often as you can , let it air with nothing covering at night.
    • Posted

      Will yeast infection cream for women like Monistat work?  Which cream would work best?  I'll buy some tonight.  I really hope this works. cry
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      I'm sorry, I mean no disrespect but how do you know about yeast infections?  Have you experienced them before?  Where can I find reliable  information about this.  Im truly concerned about my situation and can't see a doctor at the moment.  
    • Posted

      If this isn't resolved with cream and it turns out that this isn't a yeast infection.  Then which kind of STD's could I have based on the activity I described in the original post and based on the lack of other symptoms.  What are the possibilities? 
    • Posted

      I've been applying lotrimin for 9 days now and I haven't noticed any change.  How long does it usually take to heal? 
    • Posted

      I have the same thing got tested for STD but came back negative, it doesn't hurt but it's ugly and I worry the doctor may of over looked something mine is shiny when erect not sure if we can post pictures on here but any help would be great

  • Posted

    Hi, it could be anything. During your encounter 8 weeks ago, did anyone give you oral. If so it could possibly be a bacterial infection from their throat. If not it could simply be a irritation from a new soap or detergent, or possibly a natural change of your skin - and you are noticing it moreso after your encounter. It's always a good idea to visit your GP or a clinic to get the facts and put your concerns to rest.


    • Posted

      I didn't recieve oral.  So if it's a irritation from soap or detergent, how long should it last?  How should I treat it? 
    • Posted

      Hi, if that is the only sexual contact you have ever had, your risk, for this, to be an STI is very low.

      Try to remember any new changes in diet, or soaps that you use to clean your cloths or body.. If there has been a recent change, then try changing back to soaps and/or detergents that did not irritate you and always rinse cloths and body well - and remeber, don't clean so hard that you cause more irritation. Also pay attention to ingesting any new vitamines, energy drinks, spicy foods, etc.. it could also be a cause. If it is an Irritation, it may clear up in a few days after you find and change the culprit.  If it persists, definitel see your GP and don't be imbarrassed, it's what the GP is for and how they pay their bills, lol.. Another possibility is, it may be a characteristic of the design of your skin in that area - as we age our bodies sometime change - and you only noticed it because of your concern after the contact. If you can, follow up with what you find to be the answer.  Good Luck

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