meatitis (urethra meatus swelling) for a year.
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hi. i have had meatitis for a year now with no solution. can anyone provide me any info or tips if you've suffered from it.. basically the tip of my penis looks like it has red lips. the doctor isnt sure and wants to do a cystoscopy in 2 months.
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Wee_Dugie andrew95131
Have you seen a Urologist about this? Obviously, something is causing the inflammation ......
andrew95131 Wee_Dugie
yes i am seeing one and he doesnt know.
Tangki2 andrew95131
Is there any pain when urinating? What's your sexual history? Which gender do you have sexual relations with? Do you stick anything in your urethra? Does your partner have an IUD? What's your sexual partners history consist of? How old are you what's your health look like?
Does your foreskin cover your entire penile head or does the tip stick out a bit or have you been recently circumcised? Short foreskin or circumcision coukd cause this as sometimes your body does not have the ability to adapt to the harsh environment and as a result an inflammatory response happens. I'd like to help you but I need some more information
andrew95131 Tangki2
im a 19 yo. virgin. my health is okay. im uncircumcised. foreskin covers tip, yes. Never stuck anything in my urethra. No pain with urinating. im conflicted. 😕
rob49139 andrew95131
any results?
andrew95131 rob49139
yes. no common reason. only treatment was getting the inflamed tissue removed surgically!
Tangki2 andrew95131
they removed part of your meatus?
andrew95131 Tangki2
the inflamated tissue on it, yes.
swollen_meatus andrew95131
hey! And how are you doing with the removed tissue of your meatus?
No pain anymore?
john54641 andrew95131
just so you all know, i have researched this over a few threads, as it is one of my many symptoms (the red lips /swollen meatus)
I noted a few things - at least 4 people it was NOT from sex (and 2 were virgins) . One had it came from catching his penis on a pillow so trauma there .
1 it was from sugars/diabetes
1 it was prostate related
1 was pretty sure was herpes
1 was STD
1 was rough sex
so on this particular issue, how can it be STI if 2 virgins had it . inflammation response sure, but as this shows,many many causes
noah1836 andrew95131
Hey Andrew, Any update on your condition?