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HS patient 33 years, recently prescribed combination therapy of Rifampicin ,Clindomycin & Hibiscrub solution, had an allergic reaction to the tablets which resulted in horrific Diarrohea and a very nasty ongoing rash, Gp then prescibed 2 creams fusidic acid and Daktarin which are not working, seen G p twice in 7 weeks, not seeing consultant for another 3 weeks but am so unwell and in agony looking for some advice,i can not place any clothing on the lower part of my body, and have also had HS flare ups due to no meds
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Pullhandlesup shanie32674
that's a long time and a lot of medication. i would think yes but have you tested different foods?
i haven't had a cyst or any kind of pain for 6 months after finding processed sugar was the cause
yesterday i drank two cups of coffee with sugar for the heck of it, this morning i woke up with my under arm stinging so much i can't close it and one tract opened up
shanie32674 Pullhandlesup
my diet is clear, i have never taken sugar,do not have a sweet tooth at all,i only eat un processed foods and no dairy either,no carbonated drinks either
rose87429 shanie32674
So sorry to hear to hear about your situation. Wish you speedy healing. My daughter has been prescribed the first two and they work succssesfully for a short time. Not sure what strengths you are taking though. And each person reacts so differently. Perhaps you can put warm compresses on or take warm baths. This forum is full of short term remedies which worked for some people. Unfortunately, the only solution against a long wait is to see a private specialist if you are able. We ended up doing that out of desperation. Which country are you in? All the best!
shanie32674 rose87429
gunga64 shanie32674
Try applying baking soda and water to it. not a paste just watered down. I think it drys it up and sucks out the pain causing portion. But dont stop after it looks better apply after it appears to have healed.
shanie32674 gunga64
thanks for advice but the pain i am in i am not willing to self treat,have had Hs for 33 years and never had anything like this,it has to be related to the combined therapy meds from dermatology
karenh1969 shanie32674
Hi Shanie,
I had suffered for that amount of years too.
try the fucidin on a dressing it needs to soak in.
I have you tried avoiding nightshade vegetables. I've avoided for the last 2 to 3 years and had no flare ups at all.
HS is a autoimmune condition. usually related to a leaky gut.
night shade veg grow with their own insecticide in which acts as a toxin to your body and the only way the toxin can get out is through your skin. hence the abscesses. if your not already please try taking these foods out of your diet.
tomatoes, peppers, white potato, chillies, eggplant and some times most root veg.
Believe me it works
lots of love Karen
gunga64 shanie32674
Also after applying baking soda and water, place gause and paper tape on wound so it doesnt rub
barbara91275 shanie32674
Uf feeling for you! Diarrhoea i can usually solve with eating or drinking yogurt (I get it from antibiotics always) Maybe in your case probiotics (not pre-biotics ) can help with that.
Nothing really worked for me what the doctor gave me.
I used in the past clearasil, which is for facial acne. It hurts though and when not superficial the skin peels of after a while.
I like the idea of baking soda, I use it always on the inside of my thighs in the shower and as a facial and body exfoliate.
When it gets bad nowadays I use iodine soap in the shower and iodine cream at night.
The iodine gets them to burst, which is really what I want! And it's a disinfectant.
I also noticed while taking L-Carnitine supplements that the flare ups were way less and or next to nothing. L-Carnitine is for my graves disease (fast thyroid).
CBD oil or balm can take the pain away, not necessarily. But has for me no big effect on shrinking.
Big hugs!
small part of rash from combination therapy medications