Medication change to Indapamide .Any thoughts please
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Greetings to all.
After suffering from some challenging side effects of Amniodipine my GP has just conscientiously changed my medication to Indapamide.for blood pressure control.
Have any users of this medication found it effective and are there any dramatic side effects that they have experienced?
Thank you.
i do appreciate that individuals respond to medication differently.
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1976annette kitekato
I am on Indapamide for the control of blood presssure along with Losartan and Doxazosin. Doxasozin and Losartan at night and Doxazosin and Indapamide in the morning. So far, it is going well after 6 months of being on this mix. I don't find it makes me need the loo too much more than I did already. My BP is holding in the 130s over 50s/60s for much of the time at the moment. It goes up with stress but the medical profession don't seem to think that it should change through stress and upheaval. I've had a running battle for the past 12 years but I think I am OK for the moment. Give it a chance. Godod luck.
sincere thanks for your response.really appreciate this.😊.yes it was only afterwards that I realised that it is a my case volume has increased more than frequency!(Excuse the graphic detail!)
my Gp has indicated that he may have to add another medication .
In your case may I ask if the other anti hypertensive orientated medicines were added in Initially or latterly.
I am pleased that your blood pressure has settled to a decent level.
thanks again.
1976annette kitekato
7878 1976annette
i have been taking this medication for about three weeks.
no major issues and certainly no fatigue.
i have sadly developed dry sore eyes and I am having to use moisturising drops at least 4 times daily.
did either of you experience dry eyes?
its the red sclera that I do not all.
i shall see how I go.
i am loath to ask my GP to change my anti hypertensive medication again..but the discomfort can be unforgiving regarding my eyes.
hails63112 kitekato
I have just come across your post and wondered how's you are getting on with indapamide? I have been Taken off ramapril and put on this drug due to suffering odema, I am taking 2.5 mg and hoped for some advice?
i hope your functionality is good with this drug.
to be perfectly honest I am having difficulties in having an anti hypertensive medication without any harsh side effects.
indapamide was fabulous at keeping my blood pressure within normal values,however it dried my eyes too much to the point where I was using artificial tears at least 10 times a day to lubricate them.they also looked sore and the sclera red the end we all realised that it was an allergic reaction that I was trying to overcome.
so sadly I came off it.
i guess the diuretic qualities if this medication did not suit me.
good luck I know it works well for many people.
kind regards.
ros2015 kitekato
sue15 kitekato
kitekato sue15
new year greetings to you both!
yes indeed Ros within days of stopping the indapamide my eyes returned to normality.
my quality of life was compromised greatly and also the ability to blink begun to be painful.
so yes free at last!
My kind GP is trying me on another tablet for now as my blood pressure is moderately hypertensive.
the new tablets appear to be ok...for now yet I am again getting the sore dry feeling.
I shall persevere for a short while though as the soreness I not accompanied by a robustly red sclera ,and understandably my body does need time to adjust and try and work its this medication.
unfortuntely as you both know many of the anti hypertensive medications have challenging side effects that some people are not affected by.
some people can cope with the effects ...I cannot cope with sore painful eyes though.
please let me know how you both get on.
finally yes Sue some of the medicines can give heartburn.
have you herd of kolanticon gel...available ove the counter now,it's a very effective antacid,antispasmodic medicines that's far more effective than the usual gaviscon and milk of mgnesia.
i always have some in the cupboard for emergencies.
kind regards😊🍃🍂
ros2015 kitekato
Thank You so much for your quick reply. As my BP seems under control at the moment, I am going to stop taking them tonight and see if my eyes start to improve ! I really do hope so, as like you I find it so uncomfortable and difficult to cope with.
I'll then return to my GP for his advice re meds.
Thank you again for your help and I will report my progress !.
Best Wishes
Kind Regards
appogies just saw your posting.
i did not get on well with idiapamide,although it did impact well on reducing my blood pressure.
my eyes were too sore and uncomfortable for me to bear....also the bright red sclera of my eyes looked quite intimidating.
my eyes returned to normal after coming off them.
i am still pursuing with my goals help a medications n that my body can cope with.
kind regards
hope you ok with this tablet.
i had to rush to the adjacent platform to catch my overground train!
I sincerely hope you get some relief.
i am sure you will.
please do see your Gp immediately regarding your BP and if you need something you have mild hypertension then?
The new tablets that I am currently on varies from 1mg dose to 30 mg.
it's a slow release variant so I am hoping that my body and sensitive eyes can adjust without reacting.
I aim to not increase above 1mg as you can well imagine!
enjoy your weekend.
kind regards
ros2015 kitekato
Hope your new medication works out for you
Best Wishes
kitekato ros2015
i had to stop the was too debilitating for me.
wishing you a peaceful and healing Easter.
kind regards