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Hi i was wondering if anyone can give me some adivce i been suffering with anxiety i was put on ciltropram ....thinks thats what it was called after a few days i had really bad palpatations so came off it snd put on mataaspine i gained so much wait ive now been put on serteline ive only tsken it for 2 days but today im getting a horrible feeling through my body anybody else had this ??

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6 Replies

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    Hi Andrea, 

    My first week on Sertraline was pretty rough, nausea, stomach aches, head aches and flu like symptoms. We all react to it in a different way, and because we have anxiety it amplifies these sensations and makes it 10 times worse. Often when we feel these reactions it's a good sign that the medication is working but if you feel like it's getting worse or it just won't go away I would advice speaking with your doctor. 

    Stay strong Andrea, it gets better!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much my anxiety just come out the blue a year ago i just sometimes feel like coming off all meds and coping on my own the side effects are horrible . How long do they last ?
    • Posted

      It varies from person to person, some people say a week others say 8. It's a notoriously slow working drug, my side effects lasted for about a week. Try not to focus on it too much (easier said then done, I know!) you've only been on it for 2 days and your body is still adjusting. And because of the other medications you've been taking its probably just a settling in period. But like I said before see your doctor if it gets worse or just won't go away.

      I understand how you feel, I've had anxiety for years but these past few months have been rough, decided to bite the bullet and take my very first pill 3 weeks ago. You can get through this!

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