Meds for intrusive/obsessive thoughts?

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I've found that citalopram has taken away my shaking, upset stomach, loss of appetite, feelings of doom. However, I still suffer from constant obsessive thoughts. Has anyone found that their medication has helped them lose the intrusive thoughts?

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm just starting celexa what were your side effects and how long did they take to go away and I hope it takes the doom away
    • Posted

      I was on celexa anxiety free for twelve years! Unfortunately it stopped working for me, and life stresses have taken over. I will be switching now, but know that I had the best life for those twelve years thanks to celexa
    • Posted

      Hey thanks for your post I'm hoping these sucky side effects hurry up and go away

  • Posted

    I find to either just need to try and block them, or try concentrating on something I.e I do cross, try listening to meditation music, burn incense sticks, if you have the thoughts find something to do and that usually helps me. If you are feeling stressed and having those thoughts. Write them down, shut the book that may help xx
    • Posted

      I do cross stitch, but also have Ocd. Cleaning is my stress relieve but can be obsessive about cleaning too.
  • Posted

    Hi jen

    What sort of obsessive thoughs do you have? I'm on citalopram and wonder if i'm similar to you. X

    • Posted

      I just obsess that I have schizphrenia and can't let it go even though Ive been told by numerous psychiatrists and psychologists that I don't. It's all I think about.
  • Posted

    I've found Prozac to be very helpful for my intrusive thoughts! Before I started it, if I turned on the radio, all the songs would make me start thinking about dying and running out of time. Since starting Prozac these thoughts don't make me panic and just go away easily smile hope this was helpful
  • Posted

    I know what you mean. Obsesive thoughts are hard to handle the more you fight them they comtinue to come back but your true self knows they are just a creation of your mind and that they cant hurt you. I neutralize them by talking to my soul and asking for full dominion over my mind. the body and mind obey the one in charge that one is you. Always love yourself no matter what. After this is over you will be stronger.
  • Posted

    How do you mean obsessive thoughts?
    • Posted

      Intrusive thoughts I guess. Thoughts hat run through your mind all day. Like, if someone was worried they had a brain tumour so all day they focused on their brain and told themselves they are probably dying
    • Posted

      Ah right, I find when I get like that I talk to someone about it rationally and a s soon as you start to vent you realize you're just worrying and its not actually the case smile
    • Posted

      I've been doing CBT since september, but I just can't stop sad
    • Posted

      ask about other types of therapy you can try? there unfortuanatly might be a bit of a waiting list but worth asking

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