Mefenamic acid - advice please

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Hi, my 15 year old was prescribed this today for heavy periods. The box says one pill three times a day...but does not say how many days to take them for.

I take tranexamic acid myself and take it for the first four days of my period. Is it the same or similar for the mefenamic acid?

Any advice would be great as she got her period today, so really need to know asap how long she should take them for.

Many thanks

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I have no idea. I also take tranexamic acids for my heavy periods. I would get in touch with the doctor just to be safe.
  • Posted

    Yeah peroid time only no longer than a week

    Also are you aware that this drug isnt exactly brilliant for heavy periods its only the same as taking ibuprofen or naproxen as its used more of a pain killer than for blood flow it only reduces it a little bit if not at all.

  • Posted


    I've taken both transexamic acid and mefenamic acid for heavy periods for the last six years. Transexamic acid is used to slow and lessen the flow of menstral blood during periods so is typically used in the first few days when the period is at its heaviest. Mefenamic acid is a strong pain killer and as such is generally used at around the same time of the period to help minimise the pain.

    Therefore mefenamic acid should be taken when the period is painful (generally the first 4 days from my experience but ask your daughter what her typical pain days are) this could be the whole period or just a couple of days in the period depending on the person.

    Follow the instructions on the packet and she should be having much less pain soon after the first dose.

    Hope I helped and good luck to both of you.

    • Posted

      Hi Becky, thanks for that.

      Did the mefenamic acid help your pain much? She was doubled over in tears today :-( although she has only been taking the pills since Friday night but I would have thought they should be helping by now anyway.


    • Posted

      Does your doctor have to decide if you can go on mefenamic tablets or not?
    • Posted


      Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I was perscribed a higher dosage than normal by my Dr and was also on transexamic acid at the same time, the pain went away within half an hour. Panadol and nurofen can be taken along with mefenamic acid on a cycle (though I'm not sure whether these are available where you live - I live in New Zealand).

      If the pain contines you should probably talk to your doctor again.

      Sorry to hear that it hasn't helped and once again apologies for the lateness of my response.


    • Posted

      Hi Becky, that's ok, I appreciate the reply. I'm in Scotland, so yes we have those painkillers. She thinks the mefenamic acid did help her a little bit, but the severe pains are concerning me. She is just coming up for 16 though so don't want her too full of pills. 

      My periods are severly heavy without the tranexamic acid, but I don't think I've ever been doubled over in pain! She described to me what I thought sounded almost like a labour contraction...I would hate to think of her having those pains every month :-(

      What it is to be female!

  • Posted


    I was prescribed mefenamic acid too but be aware after time it can reduce the effectiveness.

    I was on the for the first 4 days of my period and i also took iburofen with them

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