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The menopause sucks........the end sad

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    super sucks cry

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      All down to one Bloody Apple and yes ladies a fella .we were given a sentence to serve for sure .How all this was told why we're in this mess ,and be more to follow on behind .
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      oh my lord - I am coming back as a man - but looking at my belly I think I,m nearly there ! If only they had to put up with this, and they wonder why we can,t be bothered 😩
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      Lou we all come back and all called ADAM ,every last one of us .Think if your lucky to have understanding husband / partner whose got listening ears on him. That goes hell of a long way .Its a waiting game  wish there was a sure way to get hormone free ,All over and done with. The women who say I didn't know what the menopause was like ,never had it ,I could slap them silly really could smug lot .They can really make me a bitch in how I reply to them .Yea and they deserve it .Like they're bragging at females who have menopause bad .Ive met a few .
    • Posted

      Agree - it really is HORRIBLE. I was dragged out today and could hardly walk, had to keep stopping for a rest, kept boiling over, wobbly, nausea, giddy, belly wobbling all over the place, whats the b....y point, sick of feeling so ill all the time, I,m staying home and going nowhere, Like you feel like hitting everyone that gets in my way.
    • Posted

      Hey Lou, I know it's not funny, but that made me laugh! Especially when I read it out loud haha! I can't go out unaccompanied at the moment...actually it's been about 6 months. My head is so detatched I'm not sure if it's still on. Vertigo nausea, swimmy head, blurred eyes, stupid anxiety!!! 

      I cannot wait to be ME again

    • Posted

      Me too, oh to be normal - huh don,t think I ever will be again, forgot to mention had to rush to the loo as thought my insides were falling out, had a rush of pain and it was horrible, nearly went to A and E, this is never ending, and poor you vertigo is awful I,ve been there aswell, oh I have severe health anxiety aswell, do you have bloated belly aaswell ?
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      I had a bloated everything for 7 years, til about last October when I went to skin and bone. Been down to 7st 12lb, now got up to 8st 2lb. 
    • Posted

      Oh Lou 

      you explain it perfectly .. I felt like this all week, and i am 21 months post meno.. doesnt seem to get better for me at the moment, been having flaming flushes again.. Start looking for nearest chair when i am out incase i need it sudden ..

      then the ditherers get in your way and your thinking ' clear off i need to get past now' standing in one place gets me.. And queues ... 😩 start feeling wobbly 

      it stinks 

      jay x

    • Posted

      I don,t really understand the peri, post thing at all, had my surgery and 3 days later wham all the symptoms hit me at once and not one Dr has explained anything to me - all that was said was " oh it,s the menopause" and now reasing all these posts I,m thinking where am I am crashing to bits with all these horrid horrid things happening to me and don,t know where I am, peri, post or in the middle, am so confused. GP said no to HRT and don,t really want it most of the time but then other times am screaming out for help - because nothing was explained to me about the menopause I am so ignorant I thought this is the deal, so now am thinking does it get worse than this, am I in the middle, near the end or at the beginning - op was 17 months ago and seem to be getting worse - head going to explode soon x
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      if you have had a full hyster then the menopuase will hit alot quicker and harder, 😢 no time to decline gently like having a few years natural peri ..

      bless you, stay positive hun, its hard i know, but your not alone 

      jay x


    • Posted

      Hi, do you think things will get better soon for me ? had such a rubbish weekend stressing with my health anxiety along with everything else, been awake nearly all night googling everything that might be wrong with me, its really bad - just want some light at the end of this nightmare but fear this is just the start, sad feelings. Hope you ok x
    • Posted

      Hi Lou

      It will get better just give it some time. Mine is cutting back some my anxieties, depression I am sleeping better, right now its just the bathroom problems with my since I am on a lot of medications 

      Just give it time and do not stress yourself out thats what my boyfriend and everybody else tells me that stress is the worst on people. 

      think positive

    • Posted

      Hi Lou 

      if only i could answer ... 

      Have you been to the doc lately and mentioned how your feeling ..

      did you have a total ( full hysterectomy 17 months ago ? )  was it 

      jay x



    • Posted

      Hi Jay, hysterectomy 22 years ago leaving right ovary - oophorectomy 17 months ago so nothing left. GP more or less said this is how it is now and to be grateful I,m alive kind of thing ! yes I know I should be grateful and I am of course I am, would just like to feel better than I do, by the way GP missed the massive cyst for months until I insisted on scan and there it was 20cm cyst ! angry about that but trying to let go of bad feelings as hosp was fantastic, it,s just the aftercare thats rubbish and I,m sure others here feel the same. Hope you ok x
    • Posted

      Thanks, sorry you are suffering still, and yes agree that stress is really bad for us, but it,s a vicious circle really wouldn,t you say and the reason I say that is that there seems to be different symptoms that crop up all the time and its stressing over one thing kind of forgetting about that one until another comes up and on and on .....maube it,s all part of it and like you say it will get better with time, lets hope so, sure sucks at the mo x
    • Posted

      hi !ou 

      wow that was a whopper of a cyst, i had two small orange sized ones when i was in peri, and with not having regular periods they grew, they were not nasty ones ( dermoid) mine were follicular ..

      but they sorted themselves out and dispersed etc eventually, after a couple of food proper periods and some help off my doc ..

      had mine when I was in UK .. i know what you mean. aftercare - what aftercare ... they sort you out but dont monitor you after .. 

      ' they assume all is good and off you trot' 

      luckily i had a good doc in uk and  as i had endometriosis in my 30's refusing a hyster as that was an option .. ( but laser surgery worked after all their negativity, they just wanted to whip it out - no way ) thank goodness i stuck to my guns, as it would of been for no reason .

      so after i mentioned that to my good doc he always sent me for an ultra sound when i felt something was a miss .. hence seeing the cysts and keeping an eye on everything etc 

      jay x


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