Meibomian gland dysfunction is making my life unbearable, please help me!

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I have had (on the edge of the eyelid) Meibomitis (a lot of oil secretion that is locked) for already 5 years and I went to lots of doctors and tried almost everything,nothing really worked! At this moment I am blinking a lot (It makes me crazy and depressed) ,itchy eyelids, and I can not watch tv-computer or read a book...

Is there anyone that can help me please? It is very difficult to continue my life...

I am hopeless...please help me!!!

Things I tried: almost all medicine and eyedrops-hot compress-Blephasteam-hot towel-flax seed-fish oil-

cleaning everything every day-Wet onces wipes-no make-up-sunglasses-swimming goggles-bbshampoo and tea tree oil etc...steam all did very little...

The only thing that works a little bit more is steam bath because then I can see strings of oil coming out...

At this moment I am using Manuka honey on the eyelid...still trying this out...

This is just a hair follicle problem and clogged oil,why is this so difficult?????????

I also have tear plugs,is it possible that this makes it worse???

And no doctor listens to what I say!!!

Any help or info is very welcome!

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    There is a mite that can caus this also and they are very hard to see,in fact without a high powered microscope an eye doctor often wont notice them . There is an eye cleaning product thats supposed to get rid of the problem,Google eye mite-mgd. The thing that helps me the most is cool water,keeping my lids and lash line clean,i use a qtip,but im not telling you too,as unless you are careful you can poke your eye. I scrub the lash line with clear water. my issue varies from day to day,I've had very clear vision days and others my site is affected,looks like I'm looking through a smeared window. warm compresses greatly made my lids prone to swelling and Blepharitis. Anyway research the eye mites. Good luck.

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      just remembered the name demodex,not sure of spelling

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    I have to use the antibiotic ointment every night or every other night...did you try that? My doctor said probably for the rest of my life...

  • Posted

    So sorry to hear of your struggles. Wish I had the magic answer to offer you but I am also in the same boat. Different things have helped at different times. It sounds like you have tried a lot of the suggested options. Sad to say that doctors are not much help and do not have a handle on this condition. I would suggest using social media as a tool to connect with others so that you can benefit from even more suggestions. There are a few on-line groups for just about every condition and no one knows what you are going through like those people do. Facebook has been a good source for me personally. Wishing you the best and prayers that you can move forward in healing.

  • Posted

    I suffered for three years with most of the same symptoms. I did find that reading or screens (TV, Ipad, Laptop) really contributed to this-we don't blink long or often enough to lubricate eyes. I finally went to a noted eye institute in upstate New York and had a stent put into the blocked duct--it remained there for 3-4 months and I have had no problems since!

  • Posted

    Thanks for the reply-I hope it will get better in the future BUT I live in Belgium and they do not know

    a lot about blepharitis and mgd...

  • Posted

    I TRIED EVERYTHING TOO I HAVE BLEPHARITIS AND MOST OF THE SAME SYMPTOMS... except the totally blocked glands you describe

    i was on doxycycline for 18 months in an effort to reshape my gut flora

    Hardly anyone talks about tje proliferation of bacteria that is at the root of a lot of the awful symptoms - the itching (for which I took an anti-allergy over the counter pill sometimes to keep from rubbing my eyes -- never rub as they will swell and then the warm compresses will make them worse as you then need cool ones to deal with the swelling).

    wash your hands every time you even go near your eyes

    eat fermented things to balance your gut flora which has everything to do with controlling the bad bacteria in all of us and which has migrated to the delicate glands in your eyelids

    if you havent tried the doxy, get a script from your doctor just dont stay on them forever i started with daily doses for a month -/ my symptoms were driving me crazy-- then when thongs improved I went to twice a day 50 mg two weeks on, two weeks off.

    I am on an anti-inflammation diet, eat fermented food every day (yogurt, kefir, pickles, German sauerkraut-- any of these will act as natural pro-biotics),, use the tea tree oil-baby shampoo wash a m & p m, flush my lids with closed eyes with warm not hot water if they start to burn a bit or feel funny and use gel eye drops maybe twice a day and am able to read watch tv , etc. I feel normal again almost all the time now.


  • Posted

    I TRIED EVERYTHING TOO I HAVE BLEPHARITIS AND MOST OF THE SAME SYMPTOMS... except the totally blocked glands you describe

    i was on doxycycline for 18 months in an effort to reshape my gut flora

    Hardly anyone talks about tje proliferation of bacteria that is at the root of a lot of the awful symptoms - the itching (for which I took an anti-allergy over the counter pill sometimes to keep from rubbing my eyes -- never rub as they will swell and then the warm compresses will make them worse as you then need cool ones to deal with the swelling).

    wash your hands every time you even go near your eyes

    eat fermented things to balance your gut flora which has everything to do with controlling the bad bacteria in all of us and which has migrated to the delicate glands in your eyelids

    if you havent tried the doxy, get a script from your doctor just dont stay on them forever i started with daily doses for a month -/ my symptoms were driving me crazy-- then when thongs improved I went to twice a day 50 mg two weeks on, two weeks off.

    I am on an anti-inflammation diet, eat fermented food every day (yogurt, kefir, pickles, German sauerkraut-- any of these will act as natural pro-biotics),, use the tea tree oil-baby shampoo wash a m & p m, flush my lids with closed eyes with warm not hot water if they start to burn a bit or feel funny and use gel eye drops maybe twice a day and am able to read watch tv , etc. I feel normal again almost all the time now.


  • Posted


    The problem is do I have a gut problem or a demodex bravis problem. I went to a dermatologist and she only looked at my face (not the eyes) for a few seconds and told me no demodex...

    She said demodex makes your face red and rosacea etc...

    I don't know what to do or believe...

    The last years I also have belly problems (a lot of bowell problems and swelling stumach etc...)

    And also a leeky gut...

    So if ANYONE here has a solution,please help me!!!

    I do get more problems after drinking red wine etc...

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