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I have noticed a new approx 3 to 4mm black roundish smoothish firmish, slightly raised mole on my back. I am olive skinned and in my 30s. I am going to get it checked out but is there much chance does anyone know that this could be just a benign growth? I thought all new moles were cancerous. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.
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kim12266 deb42962deb1960
i have a 1 cm round mole i was concerned so went to get it checked mine also feels quite firm they said its benign but i intend on having a second opinion to be sure
mine also appeared when i was 30 and its been slowly growing since its raised an perfectly round
im hoping its like the first doctor said and its benign cos if its not iv had it on my neck for 8 years now
deb42962deb1960 kim12266
hello, im sure yours must be if its been their 8 years. mine has come about over the past couple of months and its this that scares me.
olt1994 deb42962deb1960
Hi Deb,
I had a mole removed 6 weeks ago that my specialist said pointed to all signs of Melanoma. The mole itself looked horrible and I was certain the result would be melanoma.
a few weeks ago, I got the results. Benign!! Not all new moles are cancerous. I know its tricky but just don't freak out. Theres a very high chance that it is nothing, and even if it is something to look at, Melanoma is nearly totally curable in the early stages!
keep us posted 😃
deb42962deb1960 olt1994
thanks Olt1994, thats a little reassuring. I wont get the results back for 4 weeks. I dont know how I am going to get through this time. So scary. I should stop Googling. I know thats not helping but I cant help myself. Im just searching for something that will tell me its all ok. Thank you for replying. I am pleased that yours was benign. D.
kim12266 deb42962deb1960
ye it appeared when i was 30 just it was really small when it first appeared now its 1cm in size so its grown over the course of 8 years thats my concern and the fact it dosnt feel jelly like when pressed its got a harder feel to it
olt1994 deb42962deb1960
No problems Deb,
I was the exact same. Googling everything, everyday, trying to find an answer. Honestly, the more I did that, the more I dug myself into a deeper hole of worry. You will find closure when you get your results. Until then, try to keep your mind occupied! Your mind is a powerful thing and will trick you into thinking you're sick when you're not.
chin up and don't worry!
deb42962deb1960 olt1994
thanks olt1994. ill try. so hard though. D.