Meltdown Because Of How I Feel
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I feel absolutely shocking. Every time I start to have periods where I flush up, it wipes me out. I have dry eyes, I'm tired, off balance, dizzy, foggy headed, anxiety through the roof. My shoulder has gone again and I daren't go to the gym, which is frustrating me, for fear of collapsing. My biggest fear is that I'm Anaemic again because now, because of the Mirena Coil and my age, I don't have periods so I'm terrified about what could be causing it. I don't understand why the flushing seems to be connected to all of this and it happens every time.
I had a meltdown earlier and my poor husband tried to calm me down. Our boys noticed it too, even though I try to hide it but I felt so bad earlier, I just couldn't and then I feel guilty for it, especially as our youngest son, (who's 17), is Autistic and he can't understand it the same as our older boys. I don't know what to do. I see the doctor next week and fingers crossed this really is perimenopause because I am scared there's something horrible going on.
Does anyone else suffer like this? I know all you ladies do have the symptoms to varying degrees but can it really wipe you out for weeks at a time?
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anetta94863 BugglyBot
BugglyBot anetta94863
Sorry to hear this Anetta. I feel for you, I really do because I've felt shocking and sometimes I can barely function. Good luck to you, I hope you feel better soon x.
becky53379 BugglyBot
Hello I'm so sorry that you are feeling this way. I know how you feel. This is a roller coaster ride. For sure! I do believe that everything that you are dealing with is perimenopause. You are hormonal normal. You are going to have breakdowns and major fatigue at times.Then there will be times when you feel better. Just try and be kind and gentle with yourself. Make sure that the doctor checks your vitamin D level. Mine was very low and I noticed that a lot of ladies have low vitamin D as well on here. It's called the sunshine vitamin. It has helped me to feel a little better. One day we will all get through this. I will being praying for you. Try and have a relaxing day today. Take care!
BugglyBot becky53379
Thanks Becky. I saw the doctor today and forgot several things to ask her including this because I was so nervous. If need be, I'll go back and ask for the Vitamin D check. That is lovely of you too, I wish you well and send a hug your way. Thank you x.
maria_03422 BugglyBot
I'm so sorry...I'm going through the same thing right now! Its so hard to keep our actions and outbursts in check all the husband told me yesterday "I miss my wife" tears streaming down my face but I had no answer for him as to why I feel this not like you wake up in the morning and set to feel bad!!! It's a nightmare that no one prepares you for..
Hope you feel better xxxxx
BugglyBot maria_03422
It is hard Maria, we try to soldier on and disguise how we feel but sometimes we implode and it all comes out in tears and sometimes, with me, yelling and temper. I'm so grateful to have a wonderful husband of 30 years this year who is understanding and supportive. I'd have gone mad without his reassurance and love. I really did used to see the Menopause as a phase in a woman's life that you get through. This is horrid and frightening sometimes. Thank you x.
Sally4x BugglyBot
BugglyBot Sally4x
That is how I feel sometimes Sally. I want to hide away and shut myself off from everyone because I'm scared of sounding repetitive but I have to explain myself so that others understand why I feel this way. I hope it improves for you soon x.
gailannie BugglyBot
From what you said, you are not having periods, but on the coil. Correct?
The coil is giving you daily progestogen (synthetic progesterone) which can counter estrogen. Would it be worth having the coil removed to see if you feel better? Just a thought, but NO period seems to indicate your estrogen may be very low.
Most women who have short supply of estrogen, can't handle any progesterone.
BugglyBot gailannie
Yes, I'm on the coil Gailannie. I've just posted another thread saying that the doctor has given me HRT in the form of Estradiol patches and that my coil will need replacing in June/July to balance the Estrogen and Progesterone out. The side effects have upset me though so I don't know what to do now. She does seem to think that it's a lack of Estrogen that is giving me some of the issues I have. Thank you x.
gailannie BugglyBot
Have you tried the patch yet? Could the coil be removed? That might be another option. If you don't have enough estrogen to create periods, not sure why your doctor would still be recommending it. Pretty counter productive at this point.
BugglyBot gailannie
I haven't tried it yet as some of the side effects panicked me but I'm intending on doing so. The problem I've got with it being removed and not replaced is that my periods will come back and I can't afford to bleed like that again. I'm still having slight periods occasionally and the coil prevents them from being heavy. It did baffle me in one way, I'm not sure what to do.
gailannie BugglyBot
How old are you? In peri, some women do very well with the coil to control heavy bleeding. But even with the coil in place, hormone production will continue to decline. So obviously this is why your doctor is recommending to add the patch to the coil, he's thinking your estrogen level is declining. Slight periods occassionally, is indicating that your estrogen level is not enough. Even if bleeding comes back, the coil should reduce the amount and duration.