Memory Issues Peri
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Does anyone have memory issues where your unable to think forward. It's driving my anxiety and I can't function due to this. I'm scared to leave my house. Should I get an MRI or is this common/ normal with peri? I keep thinking somethings wrong with my frontal lobe responsible for my cognitive skills or is it just my mind due to this causing this? I'm so trying to lean in and nothings working for this to break. Exhausted...
Thanks all ❤️
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lisa17089 NothinforNothin
I'm 51 and going through peri, my memory is shocking. I take tablets then literally minutes later I cant remember if Ive taken them, I cant remember watching films that my partner says I've seen yet I have no recollection at all, I love reading but cant seem to follow the story as i forget what I have already read, I'm making mistakes at work in a job that I've been doing for 10 years and it really worries me. on top of all this I suffer with health anxiety so obviously my biggest worry is that I'm getting dementia, and then the more I worry about that the worse my anxiety gets and then when I'm anxious my memory / mistakes get worse, so it's a vicious circle. sometimes it's even hard to follow a conversation or tv, it's so bad so I really feel for you. the 1 positive thing I can say is that it's very common with ladies going through menopause and 1 of the top 10 symptoms, so try and not worry too much I'm sure you're fine and it's just part of this horrid journey that we are on.
NothinforNothin lisa17089
Hey Lisa, I'm so sorry your suffering too. I can relate to everything your saying. I thought about dementia too! Especially about the films. I'm like I saw that like 10 times. Why can't I remember that! So much respect and credit to you that you are still working with these symptoms. I was looking forward to heading back to work just after we had moved into a new house when this hit it floored me. I have to watch the health anxiety too. I was talking to much about it and looking up things. You do that too much and it consumes your whole day. That's not a normal day for me. I keep reminding myself of that. I really appreciate your thoughtful reply. I have days when I forget that I'm not alone in this. Sending you hugs.
Marisa02082 NothinforNothin
I have the exact same thing! I just look at that as normal because of hormones..if I focused on that also...Ohhh Goodness!! My brain has a lot to focus on besides that like all of the other symptoms! I write everything down so then I don't forget...I hope this changes after all of it...I do the exact same thing with ,ovies..I cannot remember what I did an hour ago?! Hope this helps...your not alone!!
NothinforNothin Marisa02082
Thanks so much Marisa, days have been hard but, some harder than others and I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not alone in this. I'm going to start journaling and making lists. That would help with mindfulness which is what I really need back right now. Sending hugs to you!!!
Gypsy014 NothinforNothin
I have this too.. I have ocd had it as longa I can remember just never thought it was ocd until I reached adulthood, I just thought that I worried about everything and I do mean everything my brain just picks it apart, so now fast forward to peri/menopause im still a worrier only just like everything else thats wrong with me it has magnified xs 100 so not fun , I'm super forgetful and when I'm searching for the word or words that I have forgotten then my OCD kicks in and won't let me leave it alone I have to go over it in my brain until I remember the word.. Or I could be going somewhere and pull up if its a house and for a moment not remember why I'm there or where I'm at, (scary) but then I snap out of it and do remember... I did read when estrogen crashes this can happen along with all the other mind blowing symptoms because of the estrogen crash, and that we should do things to help exercise the brain everyday, like crossword puzzles things of that nature, I must say I have my days where I'm sharp as a pencil and then I have them dull days so it definitely cycles itself with these monthly hormones.. But for sure them days are clearly over for me where I could dart into a grocery store without a shopping list and grab everything my brain retained.. I most definitely write things down now..
NothinforNothin Gypsy014
Hey Gypsy, I was very forgetful when this initially hit. I could barely understand a conversation. It was shocking! I'm more alert now but, still struggling after a year with fatigue and anxiety. I think the fatigue causes it and I'm really trying to just tell myself that - that's all it is. I'm pretty sure I collapsed from an estrogen crash. The week before I felt the intense fatigue set in like I've never had prior to this and I read that's one main symptom right before it hits. It's been so scary. I read ocd could kick in to from any neurological problems caused by it. I don't know if that hit me but, it sure felt like it some days when I would keep repeating things I was doing but, I think it's caused by the fatigue. I felt like I was dying, now just scared not knowing when it will end. I was sharp before this hit like everyone else. It makes you feel so disabled. I just wasn't prepared for this. I've realized through this that I've been a worrier too because in the past I've always been one to prepare for the worst regarding everything before it happened. I was raised like that but, you really have no control over things until they happen and you shouldn't worry about them until that time. Big hugs to you! I'm realy so thankful for your reply! Take Care.......
lisa17089 NothinforNothin
sending big hugs to you too, you're definitely not alone, I too google and always focus on the worse case scenario, I so wish I didnt but it just consumes me and I dont know how to make it stop x
joanne76442 NothinforNothin
Hi Lisa.
i do have problems with my memory. i write my shopping list down now so i do not forget. i am in peri at moment i am 45. i get so angry when i can remember things that are so easy. My GP did by saying to remember a full address and post code and i only remember the door number and first line of address. He said its not dementia and will do more tests on my brain and check inside my head with scan to make sure nothing major in there like form of Cancer as my grandad died with lump of cancer and his memory started with for getting stuff at the beginning. so best if im checked early. ask your gp to do a small memory test with you and see what they say. rather than suffer with not knowing. will be thinking of you. take care lisa. joanne.😀
lisa17089 NothinforNothin
thanks joanne, you take care too xx
joanne76442 lisa17089
Thanks Lisa. you too. xxx