Memory loss
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Hi Ladies, is anyone having memory issues since Peri hit and has anything helped you? Other than taking HRT or antidepressants. Is there anything else? Sleep is improving this issue but, I don't know how long I'm going to have to sleep until this ends. I don't feel like myself and I can't move and react to things like myself. I assume it's from the severe anxiety and panic attacks I had which has since eased but, I can't seem to shake this issue. I'm watching my son play a video game and it's hard for me to absorb what he is saying while watching him play or visa versa. Yesterday for the first time in months. I picked up my camera to look at pictures and I was slow to operate it and I've had that camera for years. I know how to operate it but, it's like I'm looking at it for the first time. Although, I know that while this is happening! Things each day are starting to slowly I mean slowly make sense. Is this the stage when you are close to coming out of this nonsense? I have calmed down a lot since this hit last year and I can now sit in somewhat peace now without pacing due to anxiety but, this remains. Praying for us all. Happy New Year to You all! Thanks so much.
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lisa17089 NothinforNothin
hey I know exactly how you feel. my memory some days is shocking, it bothers me sometimes as I suffer with health anxiety and worry I'm getting dementia, then the more I worry the worse it gets. I also get brain fog, forget certain words forget what I'm saying half way through a sentence etc etc. I sometimes have problems following conversations wether that's watching a tv programme or just chatting to friends or family and it takes a lot for some things to sink in and people have to slowly explain things to me. I'm 51 and still have my periods but they are all over the place. I know I'm in peri and I hate it. lots of other issues going on aswell. aches, pains digestive issues omg and I dont want to even mention anxiety and panic, but know you are not alone on this awful journey. I hope you have a good 2020. big hugs xx
NothinforNothin lisa17089
Hi Lisa, thank you so much. It's so hard. I'm literally just waiting for this to pass and feel useless. I know I'm not but, again so hard. I looked up dementia too! I read about Psychomotor Decline that apparently involves a slowing-down of thought and a reduction of physical movements in an individual. Says it can happen in peri and that's exactly how I can describe how I feel. I'm 48. Regular with my cycles all my life until now. Last couple years they have become very short 2-3 days and now within the last couple months it's like every two weeks. I have days I want to so bad break out of this and then the anxiety kicks in. That's probably the hardest. I'm trying to go with the flow but, I'm not living normally. I hope you have a good 2020 too. Sorry to hear your suffering like me in this awful journey. Your caring response helps so much. xo Take Care!
lisa17089 NothinforNothin
yes it is awful, sometimes you just need to hear that others are going through the same thing and you're not alone. take care of yourself x
gerrygerry NothinforNothin
yes, the memory loss has been scary and now i have just had a bout of full-on anxiety and asthma which has been delightful.... anyway, taking ginseng has helped me and sleep, rest and reminding myself that this too shall pass and improve after perimenopause.
happy new year and good luck ladies!
NothinforNothin gerrygerry
gerrygerry, hi. I drink green tea with ginseng. I think it helps. I just started Pro Estro and a nitric oxide supplement for blood flow and circulation. I think that is helping the most and sleep. Time wasting away from this just kills me though. Thanks for your support. I don't feel alone when I reach out on line. It's just rough as everyone is out and about and your home just waiting for this to end. I do force myself to go out but, because I'm unable to really focus. I can't really enjoy myself for too long. I wind up just making it to one or two stores and come home. I'm literally playing video games with my son to help with my concentration. Trying anything at this point. Happy New Year to you too and all the best to you!