Memory loss, brain fog, confusion w/perimenopause
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Hi ladies,
Has anyone else experienced moderate to severe memory loss issues, confusion and brain fog since going into perimenopause? Some days I feel like I have the memory capacity of an 80-year old woman, but I am only 46.
I'm trying to live a somewhat normal life in spite of these issues, but it takes a toll emotionally.
Can anyone recommend any supplements or herbs to help combat these issues...?
Thanks for listening and try to have a good day.
3 likes, 14 replies
t74985 FemaleBrain
Hi, will love to see responses on this also! Believe I’m Peri Menopausal also. Have TERRIBLY FRUSTRATING brain fog, forgetting conversations, actions, food on stove/oven, what I’m doing or even planned to do! My gosh...thought I’m losing my mind. Gives me constant anxiety about health...adds to problem...I understand your concerns & feel your frustration! Maybe someone has a non drug way to help!!???
nancy0925 FemaleBrain
Dear Femalebrain,
I know all to well how you feel. There are days at work where my confidence is so bad because I feel like I don’t know anything, like some days I breeze through but other days it’s like OMG why can’t I remember what to do? It makes me feel so stupid and I’m the oldest in the office. It’s embarrassing! I don’t learn as quickly anymore and the young girls put me to shame. I joke about being stupid but it’s really not a joke 😞
samantha42264 FemaleBrain
I rarely write on here or say out loud as I don't like sounding negative, but inside a lot of days I feel negative.
When you posted this I was actually googling ways to fight brain fog. Some days my brain session to be working ok but I'd say 75 percent of the time Im in a fog and I can tell. Im afraid to talk too much as then I think others can tell. I feel like an air head or that Im 80 as well. (IM 46 too) I feel dumb, stunned or just not in the moment. And if I do talk to someone I feel like my brain is all scattered with so many thoughts I don't even answer them properly.
I've tried many things from totally natural to prescription meds and back to natural. I exercise every day, that does help some.
Im very sorry I don't have the answer but it's sometimes good to know you aren't the only one out there in a foggy cloud
debi62095 FemaleBrain
maria76995 debi62095
Hi Debi yes fidgety me too can't stay still no sleep so frustrating is like your head is fill with meno crap makes you anxious and uncomfortable I think why me want to feel like myself laughing and having fun
maria76995 debi62095
Hi debi, yes hard to sit still I get fidgety too and my legs going sometimes I'm trying my sister call and I talk to her and others on the phone..mind do race thought times
ackallday debi62095
Debi62095, I hear you on the short walk feeling like you've done miles! There are days when I take my dog for a walk and my legs feel heavy and tired when we have only gone 1/2 mile. Like I have concrete blocks attached to my feet or I am wading through water. I tried to explain it to my husband, it is the weirdest sensation. And I am someone who walks a lot, usually 6-7 miles throughout my day (with the dog, at work, doing yard work, etc). Also check me off for the ridiculous brain fog and there have been times when I have struggled to organize a pile of paperwork that is part of my daily work routine. Like I will look at it and think about what needs to be done next and then just can't get it done in the normal, organized way. See? I am not even sure that I am describing it well here, lol. You are not alone, perimenopause takes it toll. Good luck!
hardev24538 FemaleBrain
Hi .. I'm 55 .. I get brain fog .. I find last few years I can't spell words correctly .. rack my brain 2 spell simple thing . (My work involves a lot of writing) ..
tina00239 FemaleBrain
Hi hun, my sons and my partner just laugh and say I'm having a 'senior moment' I'm so glad they have such a sense of humour about it as I know full well I am a nightmare to live with at the moment but going through this with a sense of humour is making it so much easier. If I fart due to excess gas, they will all laugh and try to do a bigger and better one. When my hair falls out I get the telly savalas or yul brynner lookalike jokes and when I wig up, the Donald Trump jokes start. Its a good job I'm incontinent and have to use pads cause I'd pee myself laughing otherwise. Just look at it as another wonderful symptom of this lovely process. It wont last forever but laughter and good positive memories do so try and put a slant on it. Here if you need me. XXX
helen56683 FemaleBrain
I'm 53 and totally in a fog most days. Can't remember names, etc... my kids and husband are amazed at how forgetful I am. It's crazy!
ebennet503 FemaleBrain
I wish I had seen this a few months ago, I am 2 years older than you and going through the same thing. I'm not sure what to do, I don't think I can live like this.
k08610 ebennet503
Have you gotten better, I'm very depressed over symptoms. Any advice would help.
k08610 FemaleBrain
Are you better and if so what helped?
l am also 46 and freaking out over symptoms which are identical to yours. I'm really depressed and anxious made it worse. any advice would help.
k08610 FemaleBrain
Are you better and if so what helped?
l am also 46 and freaking out over symptoms which are identical to yours. I'm really depressed and anxious made it worse. Any advice will help.