Memory problems when taking Mirtazapine?

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My husband has been taking Mirtazapine 45mg for approx. 1 year, and during that year his memory has gotten so bad I'm fearful it may be dementia. His doc has done testing (labs, xrays, MRI's, CT scans) to look for signs of Alzheimers, but hasn't found any. He is taking Mirtazapine 45mg at bedtime, and Venlafaxine (Effexor XR) 225mg in the morning. Has ANYONE in the group experienced marked memory problems while on Mirtazapine (OR Venlafaxine for that matter). Thanks, I'm very worried.sad

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes it happened to me, I was taking 30mg and recently stopped, I'm sure it was that pill cause I'm only 33, I've asked and I'm told no is not mirtazapine but I can be certain it is, is the only pill of that kind I've taken my whole life....hopefully is reversible, I still forget things and try not to worry too much about it,hope your husband gets better!

    • Posted

      Thank you Candy, it's reassuring to me that Mirt...may be the problem. I'll be going with my husband next time he sees his doctor.

      I'm glad you're feeling better :-D

    • Posted

      Sure I'm here to answer some of the questions you might have, I took it for a long time!

  • Posted

    Hi Robin,

    I'm 66 years old and have been on Mirtazapine for 10 years. My initial dose was 45 mg. at bedtime. I have been actively titrating, hopeful completely off the drug. Currently I'm at 7.5 mg. I think that the titration is really affecting my memory, or maybe it's the Mirtazapine. My husband says that my memory issues are very noticeable.  

    I wish you both the best with your situation. Maybe you can do some more reading on the side effects of Mirtazapine, there are several.

    • Posted

      Thank you Karin for sharing your experience and advice. I'm immursed in internet descriptions, effects and side effects of Mirtazapine and others that my husband is taking, indeed :-O I'm hoping that your memory only improves as you come completely off the medication.

  • Posted

    I was on Mirt for 4 years and, honestly, don't remember much from that time. I had to constantly apologize to people for forgetting everything. I now write everything down. I finally got off Mirt at thanksgiving last year and feel much better. I think my memory has gotten better but I still write everything down.

  • Posted

    HI Robin.  I've been on 45mg mirt + sleeping pill for 25 years and I'm 73.  No memory problems.  I'm not on venlafaxine

  • Posted

    Hi robin glad youve actually posted  as this was a question i was going to ask  as im 49 years old and been on mirt for a year now and have started to forget alot of things even something i did 5 mins earlier. I was actually going to make a doctors appointment this week (will still do so) as even my family as noticed this in me.  I dont take any other medication and ive only started like this since being on the mirt.  Think i may ask the doctor to taper me of the mirt soon.  Hope all is well with your husband xx
    • Posted

      Thank you Patricia, that is very helpful. I've made an appt. for my husband also....hopefully to start the Mirt tapering off. Hope you are able to find beneficial answers for yourself also!

  • Posted

    hi robin.So far no.Been on Mirt for 7 weeks(15mg) and 2 1/2 weeks at 30mg.I'm 54,so I don'tknow if your husband is older and it may affect him differently,although i would think it would have happened sooner tha a year if it were the Mirt.Bob

    • Posted

      Thank-you Robert for responding. My husband is older, barely in his 70's now, but I started to notice very noticeable memory problems WHEN he began Mirt 45mg from the get-go. Like I said, he's also on Venlafaxine 225mg daily, for 3 years, but didn't notice MUCH of a difference in the first 2 years, in ANY of his symptoms :-( of depression, anxiety/panic.

    • Posted

      Could be the Mirt then.Don't know what Venlafaxine is but maybe the combination could be the problem as well.Unfortunately I've found it can be hit or miss when they combine meds.God Bless You,Bob

    • Posted

      Yes Robert I'm sure it is, cause in my whole entire life only have taken this antidepressant without any other medication and I've had memory problems like never before and even slurred speech at times....I'm going through withdrawals now and can't not wait till is over😞

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