Men’s Prostate sexual health

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why would a 35 year old man suddenly ejaculate brown semen

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10 Replies

  • Edited

    It sounds like 'old blood' from a bleed somewhere rather than a burst blood vessel in your prostate that would show quickly as red.

    • Posted

      Certainly seems like old blood from somewhere.

  • Posted

    Any pain or discomfort?

    • Posted

      I once went to a new doctor with lower back pain. He immediately did a DRE and said that my prostate was enlarged. I was most impressed until the Uro he referred me checked my PSA that was 5.1 and sent me for a biopsy. It was clear but after a few weeks I was passing 'old blood' for several weeks.

    • Posted

      Lower back pain could be lots of things. I used to get that just BEFORE I passed a kidney stone. Of course, it could be just a regular back pain for other reasons. I just spent 1.5 hours in a tight MRI tube because a previous MRI gave the family physician a feeling it could have been cancer (spine) OR the fact that I had a 10.5 cm cyst in my right kidney. Turns out that neither was an issue. Was just a back problem but the contrast material cleared up what my doctor was looking at.

  • Posted

    I had that once after I took some antibiotics that were in a reddish brown pill

    • Posted

      Was that like the AZO medication (OTC)? I know that turns your urine RED, brown or Orange. Not sure what it does to semen, if anything.

  • Posted

    I'm sorry that I must have done "something" to mess up my last post. Probably posting a couple of links that I found on the subject. One was a chart of what the various colors of semen mean. Another was just a reference that the brown color could mean that you have an infection somewhere in your tract. So, I'd suggest having a "culture" done, just to be sure. I've had urine cultures with some nasty bacteria but never a brown color in semen. I guess that there may be something similar in terms of cultures for semen. I also know there is a blood culture too. Again, I apologize for whatever I did to get my last post deleted.

  • Posted

    i didnt delete it might pf been the moderators

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