MEN1 Blood Tests
Posted , 3 users are following.
Hello, can anyone tell me how long MEN1 blood tests take to come back? Had mine on the 12th July, it's now 15th August and no sign of them yet.
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Posted , 3 users are following.
Hello, can anyone tell me how long MEN1 blood tests take to come back? Had mine on the 12th July, it's now 15th August and no sign of them yet.
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lungs70111 bunny1967
NeverGiveUp97 bunny1967
Have your results come back yet? Wondering how things are going. I may get genetic testing done for my issues, but these are not your everyday tests and a super long wait does not surprise me much. Hopefully you know something now, if you're not too busy doctoring, I'd love to know if you have a diagnosis finally and that you are getting treatment. Take care and best wishes for recovery!
bunny1967 NeverGiveUp97
hello, thanks for your response. i don't have results yet. But have heard they can take as long as 5 months. i have surgery for hyperparthyroidism tomorrow and was hoping to have had the results because a positive result would change what needs to be done in surgery tomorrow. obvs hoping it is NOT positive.
did you decide get your genetic testing done? take care
NeverGiveUp97 bunny1967
Hi bunny1967,
I hope you are recovering nicely from your surgery now and you'll have at least some sort of answers coming from what was found in their. Oh, and I'm shocked after all how long after this your blood test result will finally come back to you.
For me, my 1st appt with endocrinologist will not arrive until Oct 3. The waiting game in medical investigation takes forever nowadays as you have also found out!
Pls take good care of yourself and let me know how you're doing when you're able. I'll do the same here....
NeverGiveUp97 bunny1967
Hi Bunny1867,
My endocrine Dr didn't feel like testing for MENS yet but at least she agreed thyroid biopsy shouldn't wait a year with increasing size of solid nodule and my history of aggressive breast CA. Biopsy was today so results likely in 3-5 days. So far as pain/burning in liver/pancreas area goes, a second CT scan scheduled for this Thurs. So, seems like enough progress for now, I feel better about possibility of getting to some semblance of at least a preliminary diagnosis. Then I've got to either get treatment to get well enough to work again or be diagnosed with a disability that qualifies me to receive SSD.
Hope and pray you start making more progress in your search for answers. It helps if you have a good support system friend or family wise. Most of my immediate family is not particularly concerned about my health drama but I've extended family and church friends rooting for me that I SO appreciate. Keep me posted!