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Hi everyone I have been signed off work for the last week with a viral infection my menapause symptoms seem out of control ie night sweats anxiety stomach pains difficulty swallowing exhaustion . I had a hysterectomy 3 years ago and currently take 2mg of ellestte solo and 49 mg paroxetine my doctor seems not to address the menapause but happy to increase my anxiety medication I am at my with a end can anyone suggest options to me I an currently trying to get an appointment with the menapause Doctor has anyone been to see her ?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear Ally, if I were you I would ask what alternatives there are for you to paroxitine. I was on 40mg a day for 10 years and they caused me no end of side effects. It took me 2 years to get off them and it has left me with permanent nightmares, all the feelings surpressed by the pills are now flooding out so allsorts of unpleasant thoughts and feelings. I'm on HRT and it is helping slowly but surely. Drs still push paroxitine and it is renowned to be one of the worst antidepressants on the market, dont take more - find an alternative to help you with these awful symptoms. XXX

    • Posted

      Yes, I don't understand why they are so reluctant to give you Valium, Xanax, Ativan. etc, because they tell you they are addictive. But so are antidepressants, maybe even worse because antidepressants suppress everything and then because they tell you they are not addictive they snatch you off them, no weaning at all, and you have terrible withdrawals and long term side effects. I had a doctor prescribe me Paxil without even seeing me. I had gone to him once for a physical, but when I looked up the side effects particularly the weight gain and loss of libido and the fact that it makes you feel worse before you get better, I never picked up the prescription. 

      I have been in Trazodone for three years 100mg. I'm now taking 25. My doctor out me on 20mg of Prozac recently because I felt the Trazodone was not working. Big mistake after two day on Prozac I had loose stools, headache, and suicidal thoughts. I called her and she said keep taking them the side effects will go away in two weeks. I stopped taking them after two days and quit the Trazodone cold turkey, but was feeling bad mentally so started back taking 25mg of Trazodone, to have a little in my system. Feeling better with just the 25mg. If you have to take antidepressants I think they should be prescribed by a psychiatrist, not a PCP. Don't get me wrong, I like my PCP, she's wonderful and she only took me off because I felt the Trazodone was no longer working.

      As far as antidepressants not being addictive. I work with a lady that had been on 20mg for 30 years. She would start feeling better and get off them and then feel bad again. Her doctor told her "look these aren't going to hurt you so just stay on them".

    • Posted

      So they dont hurt you??? Why then have group actions been taken against the drug companies who make Ativan and Seroxat(paroxitine) I saw what Ativan did to my late brother and the suffering he endured to get off them. It took him years. It took me over 2 years to get off paroxitine and I"ve suffered permanent damage from them. I would never take an ssri again and would only consider tried and tested meds for anxiety and depression especially if I had to take it for a prolonged period. Not enough is known about the long term use or side effects of these drugs and some drs dish them out like sweets. Beware if you have a dr like that, it maybe their practice has a deal to prescribe a certain amount per month of a particular drug. So approacch with extreme caution. XXX

  • Posted

    Hi Tina thank you for your response I did get down to 5mg I will try and reduce these tablets I haven't come across anyone else who has been on them any tips and advice gratefully received . I'M sorry you are still having the effects of them as you say they only mask symptoms x

    • Posted

      Good for you. Those pills are evil, they stop all your natural emotions from behaving normally, then when you come off everything hits you like a tidal wave. They should be banned or only used in small doses for short periods. You'd be better off trying HRT than taking more of those damn things. If you do need an antidepressant or tranquiliser go back to the old school tricylics and vallium but only for a short while. Take care hun XXX

    • Posted

      Yep, that's what he told her "these won't hurt you".  She will be on them for the rest of her life.  I was shocked when the doctor I was going to at the time prescribed me Paxil over the phone for my menopause symptoms after only seeing me once. Everybody raved about this doctor and how good he was. I knew he was established and had been around a while. I only went to him because my regular doctor had a personal crisis and had to leave town for a while.  Personally I found his bedside manner depressing, and I felt I was just a dollar sign to him. He eventually moved his practice to a more prestigious area of town. I have no idea what people see in him.

    • Posted

      Niether do I. He seems to be a dr who likes to give out what we in the UK call quiet life treatment without any thought of what he is doing to his patients long term. Avoid him at all costs! Find someone whose interest is hormonal disorders and who has some empathy for our suffering. Take care hun hope you find a good dr soon XXX
    • Posted

      Thanks. I think the one I have now is a keeper. I told her I didn't want to be on the Prozac today and she took me off. She thinks maybe the reason why I felt the Trazodone wasn't working was because I may have been getting too much after three years and I have leveled out and it was causing rebound depression. She put me back on 50mg of Trazodone and going to wean me off from there. Take care

    • Posted

      Sounds like your new dr is a good one. Hang on to her as she actually seems interested in making you feel better again. So glad youve got a dr on your side hun, we all need that at this awful time. Xxx

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