menapause and orgasm weakness

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hi i just want some replies from anyone having the same problem.

has anyone else suffered with this and does it get better after menopause has done with and homones have balanced out?

my sex life is just horrible now i want to have sex but cant orgasm it starts then just stops instantly and is very weak. i must addmit this has been going on for a few years but getting worse as time goes by.

iv tryed everything and nothing makes it any better. im not dry and it dosnt hurt . i just take ages and then its so weak its almost nit there.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm just impressed you are having sex! To hell with the orgasm.

    Sorry, just kidding. With all my other meno issues sex has been on hold.. you're lucky

    • Posted

      Yes i agree with you on this !


  • Posted

    Did you have a hysterectomy?
    • Posted

      No i haven't, been on HRT had to come off symptoms bk with avengence .

      ?Now on a very low dose .. 10 days now not sure yet if kicked in? Was great on the higher dose !

    • Posted

      no i havnt had a hysterectomy.

      anyways so now i have to look forward to dryness sorness and no orgasms anymore gosh im not even 48 till july. that is so unfair i think i hate life now. it was only a few years ago i could have up to three of them lol.

      youd have thought some dr would have at least found a solution to it by now if its just homonal. gosh why is it so complicated for them. i bet if it was a male problem it would be solved now.

  • Posted

    Yes, is the answer to your question.  Many women have this.  It is hormone related.  Don't be surprised if the vaginal atrophy, dryness and pain follows.  This is just one more step to losing all of the hormones that keep our vaginal health and sex life up and running.  

    Life certainly changes.  And some of it is nothing but a cruel joke.  This is a topic that makes me very mad and angry, as we are told to be patient, chenge how we do things, use lots of lube, coconut oil, vitamin E capsules etc.  But no one addresses the complete inability to orgasm no matter how in love, or how much we want the joy of sex to remain in our ives.  But I'll say it again, this is related to hormones.  

  • Posted

    does hrt make you go back to normal in the sex department? is there anyone out there who actualy enjoys sex after menopause? id like to hear from anyone who actualy still has an orgasm.
    • Posted

      All I can tell you is HRT really does help.  While there has been a ton in the news about trestosterone for women, you have to really start with estrogen and progesterone.  When you get these two back, I think you'd be pretty happy.  And yes, orgasms are possible.


  • Posted

    hi ok so new symptom today. so iv noticed that when i go toilet for a pee im finding it difficult to start and then i noticed im bulging down there to like im starting to have a prolaps the thing is im not dry im still wet and feel ok in that way but im deff starting to get weak muscle tone down there. i hate this i mean i could live for another 40 years or more i dont knOw and im now going To spend the other half of my life never having sex and looking old and weinkly and fat. my husband is younger than me and im scared hes going to leave me. i hate this time of life i dont even feel old i feel like i always felt. i think my problem is i used to look real young for my age i was always told i loooked at least ten years younger than i was alwasy had that. i think its realy hiting me now and i need to get over this and move on from it. its deff a mid life crisis.

    how do you get over this and stil be happy and feel nice. i just feel yuk.

  • Posted

    Hi ladies, 

    i always wanted to know if ladies with no uterus ( I mean hysterectomy)  still got orgasm ? which organ goes into spasms ?

    • Posted

      You do! Not the same though😞don't mind me being graphic but its not as deep. I believe it's just the cervix. I had a total hysterectomy 1 1/2 yrs ago. About 3 months ago finally relaxed enough to have one.

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