Menapause or not
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Fsh was 84 and estradiol was less then 5 in August. I? had 3 months of no period leading up to that lab. I? went 3 more months without a period then I? got a normal period in December that lasted 3-4 days. Had labs done again in December and fsh was 28 and estradiol was 17. Dr says I’m post menapause but I? got period in dec and then 30 days later another period in January. So I? guess my question is- am I? post menapause and having abnormal bleeding or are labs wrong. I? did have TVU done in may and dec and all that’s seen in a fibroid and uterine thickness was 6 and then 5. Please help me understand this better
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tina00239 chris_33782
gailannie chris_33782
Hi Chris,
All of this is actually pretty normal. How wonderful that you have labs that are reflective of what's happening!
(i enjoyed seeing them) As we get to menopause, our levels of these hormones are fluctuating. Some months we produce almost nothing cause those old eggs are lazy, and other months one may respond to the call (FSH)
In August, your FSH was high (84) and your brain was screaming at your ovaries to product some estrogen, but as you can see from your lab (estradiol <5) your eggs weren't responding. Hence NO PERIOD.
Then in December, your eggs were responding better, which brought your FSH down to 28, and your estradiol up to 17. That lab was a one ,moment in time look at what was happening. Your estradiol was probably higher than that other days of the month, which stimulated your lining. Hence a period.
In some ways your doctor is right. But I sure wouldn't use the word post menopausal. Your labs reflect a dwindling system, that is petering out. In this phase, I would get a period once every three months, then 6 months, until they finally stopped for good. Generally speaking, the true definition of menopause is that a women hasn't had a period for one solid year. However, even then, there are some women who will have bleeding on a rare occasion. (I've known several that have) What you need to keep in mind, is that even in menopause, we still produce some estrogen. Not enough on a regular basis to produce normal monthly periods, but some.
Your uterine lining looks good. Normal thickness for menopause if 5 or below. But uterine thickness changes on a daily basis. Small fibroids are very common and usually don't produce any problems. They will shrink after your estrogen completely gives up the ghost.
There's nothing to worry about here. This is quite normal. I'll say this tongue in cheek, LOL, try to enjoy your final periods. These will be the last you ever have. And I've got news, being completely deficient in our estrogen/testo/progesterone isn't the best thing in the world.
chris_33782 gailannie
gailannie chris_33782
Hi Chris,
Well there are several things going on here. First off, your physician is being cautious. There are some situation, like uterine cancer, that are abnormal and can create bleeding. Most people would sue the physician silly if they missed something. So some of this is just precautionary, and for the physicians liability.
Second, keep in mind that labs are just a snapshot in time, That moment, that day and time, that week in that month. And yes, your labs indicate menopause with high FSH and low estradiol, supported by skipped periods. But oh, if it could only be that simple. As an example, in my final 2 years, I skipped 4 out of twelve months, and in the final year, only had periods in May and October. I suppose if I'd had labs done, some of them would have looked like menopause. But I didn't feel bad, and just rolled with the punches of sporadic periods. (Now I wish I had done some, just for the interesting information.) But I did have labs 5 years past my last period. Even then I had an estradiol level of 15 pg/ml at age 58. Even in menopause, your estradiol levels don't go to zero for awhile. But even that is dependent on each individual women. Some women go from relatively high hormone levels to unreadable levels very quickly.
I have known women who had had a period, years after menopause. Just one, random, off the wall final push. There was nothing wrong, but it sure seemed odd for these gals.
I'm sorry you got scared. I wish your physician had explained some of this better, the normal variations, and also the reason to look for problems. I'm sure that would have put you mind at ease.
Just curious, did you happen to notice you felt any better on a daily basis in those months where you got a random period? Just wondering if the additional hormones your body was producing made any difference to how you looked or felt. (sorry, I just can help but be interested in your experience.)
chris_33782 gailannie
gailannie chris_33782
I️ just read a new study that says that HRT can help reduce depression in menopausal women by 50%.
(Sorry, both you and I️ are having problems with the letter that starts the word ice. I’m trying to figure out the problem. But for some stupid reason it puts a ? and a box. )