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Hi all, I finally saw ENT yesterday and he's currently unsure if I have menieres or not. Said I shouldn't have symptoms all the time with Menieres. I pretty much always feel midly dizzy and have ringing and pressure in my ears, which I'm now getting used too. Then I get 'attacks' that make me feel so weird I have to go lie down, the attacks last minutes to hours. During an attack the pressue, tinnitus and pain get worse too. I also get jittery and my eyes (mostly the right one but the really bad episodes affect both) blur, it's my left ear that has the other symptoms.

The ENT doc did the Hallpike test on me yesterday which didn't show anything but that (and the horrible floursecent lights in the hospital) left me feeling awful for several hours afterwards and again this morning I'm lay on the sofa not daring to move my head because I feel so woozy.

I've been on 8mg betahistine, 3 times a day, for 3 months which the ENT doc said should've made a difference by now. He's upped me to 16mg. If I forget to take one I do feel more dizzy.

The doc did say that maybe I have continual symptoms because I am just starting with the disease. I just wondered if anyone out there has the diagnosis and suffers dizziness ALL the time?


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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I had it constantly the same as you until I was on 32mg 3x daily. Also take diuretic as I found that helped. I am now feeling great and have been for 6 months. Good luck x
    • Posted

      HI Vicky, thanks for your reply. Do you still have to take the meds? The doc worded it like it should clear up and then I wouldn't need them. Work won't let me return atm. I'm a science teacher and they say they're worried I will have an attck during a science practical. I've never been one for taking sick leave, it's doing my head in now! 

    • Posted

      Yes i won't stop taking them as i know it will all go down hill again. My ENT consultant said you can stay on them for life but advises me to lower the dose gradually which i have tried without success. I truly believe water tablets help as well. 

  • Posted

    I suffer all the time, but they aren't sure I have menieres too. Sounds like you are having vestibular migraines. I don't have vertigo attacks I'm just dizzy. But I honestly don't think people with menieres starting out is dizzy all the time. Have you lost hearing?

    • Posted

      My hearing goes a little when the pressure gets worse during the attacks that leave me only feeling safe from falling if I'm lay or sat down but my hearing test was good at the hospital, even though I have constant tinnitus 

  • Posted

    Before I was treated I was dizzy. Yes all sounds like MD to me.
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      How exactly did you feel before you were treated and how long did it last? I've been dizzy for like 4 months straight. But I want to know how you felt

      Before you got it?

  • Posted

    Do you feel pins and needles all over your body when you have an attack..I have general dizziness and sharp movement causes attacks including feeling very sick.. I too have been started on Bethahistine 8mg 3 times a day.. I also feel strange and my vision is odd when on the bus or walking with things moving around me..My dog spins round in front of me and that also sets it all off..I am around 1 month in with the medication ' cant say there is much change with it as of yet..

    • Posted

      Yes, with the more severe attacks I get tingly fingers. The first one I had back in novemeber, I though I was having a stroke or heart attack something cos I felt so weird and my left arm tingled and felt strange. 

      I tell my bf and children off if they pace around because is makes me feel worse too. I also think sharp movements trigger it. Cooking I notice is a trigger because I am moving around the ktichen, looking up and down into cupboards etc. 

      On sunday I went on a snowboarding lesson with my son. It was prebooked and I couldn;t let him down, he was so excited. They had those lights in the changing area so by the time we were on the actual nursey slope I felt so sick, my legs were like jelly and thought I would never survive going up the slope and having to turn. But after half an hour I started to feel a bit better and I actually made up the ski lift and down the slope :D 

    • Posted

      Yes I had the pins and needles all over and felt my breathing was very odd..This made me want to get up as i felt like I was having a stroke..I had pain in the left side of my head and a stiff neck..My diagnosis has taken 17 months as the neurology was at the end..The specialist said the pins and needles could be a fear response by the body to the attacks..I also struggle with bright light and am still being investigated currently ' I am on 8mg of BETHASTIDINE ...Is not working ...was involved in a bad car crash 11 years ago so my specialist is looking at scans to determine brain nerve damage..All the best to you feeling sick and taking omeranzepole for reflux is tireing..I hope you get a diagnosis soon..

  • Posted

    I have the same Problem.Never healing...and this is "WHY". it is NOT Menieres. It is EMF Sensitivity.  It must be treated as such.  You need to bring this information to your doctor and tell him to treat you that way.   Good Luck!

  • Posted

    I have not been officially diagnosed with MD, but my doctor suspects I am in the early stageds and I have made considerable lifestyle choices to manage it (low sodium, no caffeine, no alcohol, adequate sleep). Before making these lifestyle changes - which I consider my treatment for MD - I had sudden vertigo attacks, experienced hearing distortions and felt a low level of constant dizziness ... almost like I had been on a boat and just got off. Once I made all these changes it took a little while to get everything settled .. maybe a month or two? - but I now feel good. I still get a very occasional attack, but I can typically identify the trigger and feel so much better overall. Good luck!! 
  • Posted

    Hello, I am under investigation for MD, Last july I had a spinning episode,thought I was having a stroke. Not knowing what was happening I laid down,sat up again,laid..imagine, everytime I changed position the spinning got worse.Called 911. When they finally got to my house, the paramedic immidiately thought either I was having a panic attack,or I had a labyrinthitis. She sat me still and asked me to look straight at one point on the wall, my head being still the spinning stopped. My heart and pressure were fine. The aftermath was crazy for weeks, I had spinning episodes every little head movement, if I looked down or up it would get crazy, if I only touched my head, my vision got blurred. A shower , was hell!

    I have been seeing a specialist,he put me through a batterie of tests. Now that I have been reading on all of this I understand a little bit more.

    I realize now that I have had many syptoms all my life, without the spinning. I have always hated being in places with neon lights, like Costco. In an airplane, my ears would pop and my eardrum even busted once. Sometimes I would be standing on both my feet and have the sensation my heals sunk as if I was on sand, but I was on concrete. I often got dizzy. I write in a journal a re-read and in almost every pages I mention being dizzy, and not liking feelin that way.

    Caffeine wasn't good back in the past, I had realized it made me dizzy,and shacky, so I only drink one small cafe in the morning.

    My vision got blurry very often, I thought it was when there was too much sun. I even had a few episodes of aura migraines, without the pain, that's pretty scary to. Got checked for that, they didn't seem to think it was a problem. Many people get these migraines... I was told.

    After my episode in July I was prescribed SERC, that helped at first ,I could at least walk myself to the washroom, but I had a auras episode and stopped taking them. I felt really bad for 3 weeks, couldn't move my head or else the spinning started again. I then put on a neck brace, that was helping me move around a little more.

    Yes I still am dizzy all the time now, if I move around in the kitchen to quickly,or if I tilt my head on the right side. I sleep almost sitting down, my head cannot be flat on a pillow. It's not so bad. If there is alot of noise and movement at the same time I get really dizzy,and uncomfortable. Going down stairs I need to hold on to something, and go slowly. Gardening is impossible for me now. I was scared to go out for a while. Now I go anyways! I always had a tinnitus in my right ear, I thought it was from working on the railroad all my life. Many railroaders have it. It seems not.

    Have you had symptoms before?

    Wish you the best

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