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to all the ladies who is going through this stage do any of you got sensitevity to prefumes of strong smells i was just putting gas in my car and the smell of gas made me sick to my stamock and bad pressure im my ears and heat ,and some prefums when my husband use them i feel pressure and heat in my ears ,anyone one else have same symptom
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lisa17089 may69987
yes I do get sensitivity to strong smells. I also quite often smell cigarette smoke in my house but yet no one smokes???
may69987 lisa17089
yes lisa i cant stand the cigarette too i fell i cant breath when someone smokes around and i use to love the smell of cograte although i never smoked but now i cant stand it
sharcerv52408 may69987
Yes I don't wear any perfume anymore because of this. The perfume makes my head feel funny and triggers my anxiety.
anxiousface may69987
yes i can't use perfume anymore or some deodrants as they make me feel sick & dizzy and give me a headache and that odd pressure in my nose and ears.
Also loud noises and bright lights have the sane effect
just another day in the life of me .
crystals51917 may69987
Yes, I had to remove the air freshner that has always been in my car because I couldn't stand to smell it. I sprayed one of my favorite perfumes and it made me sick to smell it. I have the nausea and loss of appetite again today. 😦 So tired of this feeling coming and going.
susan39015 may69987
Hi May its like i couldve posted your question. Yes to everything you said. Its debilitating. It feels like me bidy is just shutting down. My question to you ladies is with this is your sensitivity also strong with yourself- like any odors coming from yourself, BO or like your mouth when you floss or brush or when you have a bad taste in your mouth can you also smell it?
may69987 susan39015
yes susan i am very bad and sensitive to any odor that sometimes my kids and husband thinks im exagerating