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Hi everyone, I have had a week of terrible anxiety which I am putting down to me being perimenopausal, I have the doctor tomorrow to discuss going back on an anti depressant but I am wondering if anyone has tried Menopace? I started taking these tablets 2 days ago and if I thought they would help control the anxiety I would not go on an anti depressant.


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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Liz those Benzo Meds started me down the anxiety road .this was 9 yrs ago. Plus gave me meno symptoms for a second time ,to date still like it .So be wary to the Benzos ,they sure didn't like me ,I'd say ask around in your family first ( females ) wished id done just that .Get your thyroid checked out as well .
    • Posted

      Thanks, its a minefield eh! My Mum and Sister both had a bit anxiety and depression so presume I am going same way!!
    • Posted

      Hi Liz I agree ,my mum had anxiety,also an aunt ,those meds didn't agree with them ,when I spoke to my aunt ( mum had passed prior ) now I ask my aunt various questions also cousins on my mums side ,surprising what we have all had in common ,that's why Id wished id asked questions earlier ,saved myself lot of health probs that ensued .I don't suffer depression,but anxiety ,Jay placed up last Sept/ Oct time a list of meno symptoms ,quite an eye opener to me Liz ,see if you can locate them  65 in total .Avoid those Benzo's ,ask advice from family ,before thinking of going on them 
  • Posted

    Hi Liz menopause did nothing for me I am on sertralne from the doctors and take vitamin b this really has helped with my anxiety.

    • Posted

      I was on sertraline and it helped me but I came off last year thinking I was ok, obviously not but I'd like to try and cope with anxiety using relaxation trying the menopace! I just don't want the anxiety to get as bad as last time I had to be off work, could not function, having really negative thoughts, it's a terrible thing especially if you are normally very capable happy person , thanks for comments x
  • Posted

    Hi Liz

              SERTRALINE (best anti-depressant on the market)

    However, I have been feeling cryLOW too lately

    Try Vitamin B12 and B6

                     All the best hun wink


  • Posted

    Hi dear I'm starting vitamin B complex tmw and they are good for women issue moods.  Good for making the system calm down during this time.  We'll see how they go.  xo
  • Posted

    Menopace is a vitamin complex right? Sometimes it takes a while for it to get it into your system.....It does work for some people, St Johns Wort is supposed to help your mood too.....

    talk to the doctor, they're normally well informed about what others find good.

    good luck hun, 

  • Posted

    I would not take anything like Menopace because that could be causing the anxieties in you. If you do want something try natural progesterone to help with you anxieties, the ones that are made out or yams or soy they make them at compound pharmacys 


  • Posted


    I started taking Menopace on 1st Jan. Gave into taking them (fortunate enough to never had to take any meds) as I know I'm low in Vit D/calcium etc. Joints were aching so much and I hate taking painkillers.

    Well its mid-Feb and aside from the joint aches improvement, my general mood's been so much better. Been on a bit of a false 'High' , but I'm really enjoying it!

    Had a terrible Xmas/NY: very emotional, missed my parents/in-laws/over-reacted about so-called 'friends' not sending Xmas card but texted instead, really silly, OTT reactions. Have to say that now my mindset is like "Well f**k you too! Just hope we don't meet up any time soon as I'll tell you your life story!!" - yep, the ol' ME is back ha ha:-) !

    Not a fan of meds so SSRIs are not for me ( not yet anyway). But then I'm biassed as I have an older with ongoing mental health issues. She takes a daily cocktail of around 5 meds (including antipsychotics) to keep her straight. I see what they do for her in terms of giving her a quality of life.

    Whether the Menopace is responsible or not for my general good mood etc, I can't say. But even if they are placebo, I'm taking them as I'm feeling the mo (famous last words!).

    But for me the best tonic is my own and my ol' man's sense of humour. We've loved and laughed together since we were 17/18, and we both say we still feel that age in our heads. And very often we're taking the p*as out of ourselves as we can't take things too seriously can we?:-)

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