Menopace Plus or Femoston hrt?

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I have a dilemma.  My dr gave me hrt but I am terrified to start it because on the side effects it says 1 in 10 women get dizziness, nausea etc, exactly what I want to get rid off.  Also, I had a horrible reaction to beta blockers I am very anxious about taking anything.  Husband arrived home with Menopace Plus Botanicals and because they are natural I am thinking my body would prefer them.  Any thoughts?

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10 Replies

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    Hi Catherine,  I started femoston1mg/5mg conti twice a day five weeks ago. Previously I was on elleste duet conti after many issues and having been on hrt for ten years which was then changed to patches which caused no end of problems. On the Elleste,  my anxiety was always hovering and relaxation was not on the radar. However, since being on the femoston, my anxiety levels are virtually non existant, I have not had any dizziness or nausea, and generally feel much more myself. The progesterone  in the femoston is a kinder one, and even just after five weeks, I can feel so much better. The progesterone  in the elleste is supposedly to help with libido, but that didn't work for me! But because I am now generally more relaxed, that seems to be sorting itself out too! I do take vit b complex, vit d, both in liquid form, and magnesium cell salts, plus kali phos cell salts, but I have been able to reduce these extras considerably over the last week or so. I hope this info helps you x

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      Yes it does thanks so much - I am a blubbering mess at the moment and the worst part of it is that decision making is practically impossible right now.
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    I forgot to add that I also had bets blockers at one point,  which I stopped taking, as they gave me horrendous heartburn for which I was prescribed  ranitidine.  I just thought it a bit ridiculous that I was taking one medication to counteract another. The magnesium calmed me, so I was able to stop the beta blocker.
  • Posted

    Hi Catherine 

    Sorry U r feeling this way about HRT.. I’m going through the menopause and have been for the last 4 yrs..but I can’t take HRT due to blood clots years ago, so Iv just had to sit by and get through it... so I’m not sure of the side effects from them, but I would think like all meds to start with you will get some side effects till your body gets use to them, but Iv heard they are good and will help you through the menopause, as you will get nearly all the symptoms that you can think of sorry..

    Iv tried and still trying herbel meds to help, but they only take the edge of things, ( for me ) but I keep trying them...

    If I could take HRT I would of, and just got through the first stages of the side effects, as the menopause for most as you may have seen on here can be very, very crap...

    We are all different tho so what’s good for one, may not be for another person, so for ME it’s a mater of trial and error, to find what suits you best, take care and continue to come on to here and see how other woman are coping big hug 🤗x

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      I think I am just concerned about taking anything after the side effects of the beta blockers.
    • Posted

      It’s understandable how you feel.. Iv taken beta blockers early this year, but can’t remeber y I came off them, but some tablets do cause side effects, I’m on 18 different tablets aday, due to health prob, so maybe my body is use to having them thrown at me lol...

      I have to take some antibiotic now and again and like you hate taking them as I know they make me sick, and I hate that feeling, so try not to take them...

      But you never know till you try HRT how it will effect you, if you read up on every tablets these not one that states some side effects lol...

      If say after a few weeks you are no better then you can always stop them, at least u will know, and beleave me the menopause without any help is sooooo crap..

      But I do feel for you big hug 🤗x   

    • Posted

      Remember that the beta blockers are designed to slow your heart rate down to block the anxiety and the menopace does not have the hormones you need which are being deleted because of the menopause which is why you are feeling bad. Some fortunate women can cope with the lowering of the hormones, but many of us do have to replace them to feel normal and to be able to function. Personally, I have been on hrt for around 10 years and when Doctors tried to take me off, that's when I had huge issues. The medical profession have now advised me that I will never be taken off hrt again. I,m 61, by the way.

    • Posted

      You are right we are all different. The interesting thing about herbals is that scientists are discovering they work much better when taken with something fermented, this is because it's our gut bacteria that converts certain natural compounds into plant hormones, if you'd like to know more I can point you at the studies. You can also grow plant hormones in the form of sprouted foods, on your windowsil, I can tell you more about that too. Or there is a book on it, with all the science about it. 

  • Posted

    I felt exactly the same when I was prescribed Elleste Solo - the side effects I read about frightened me silly and I almost decided not to take them. However, apart from feeling slightly 'fluffy' for a few hours after taking the tablet for the first 2 - 3 days I haven't had any other side effects at all (keeping a close eye out for weight gain, but thankfully nothing drastic yet). And my moods swings / anxiety / fatigue / hot flushes / sweats have pretty much disappeared already. I know everyone is different, but I would say it's worth giving the HRT a go. You can always stop if it doesn't agree with you, but you might also be one of the lucky ones.

  • Posted

    Hi Catherine I tried natural first worked for a while then symptoms started up again. Went on to get tablets and menapause was worse but then went onto hrt patches no side effects and are brilliant. Been on them just over a year. Hope this helps xx

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