Menopausal apps????
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Hi I've been searching the Internet trying to find a menopausal app for my phone/tablet. Somewhere I can note on a calender how I feel, food I've eaten/changed/where I am on my hrt tablets. Something that is visible so i can see and work out what is working and what isnt.
Any ideas ladies??
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liz85864 karen46733
Hi Karen.
I have been trying to find a Hag Replacement Therapy app as well!
So far no joy. I would like to be able to add all my hot flushes, mood and times I forget stuff. It would be very helpful.
At the moment I'm telling Siri to remind me.
If anyone has any ideas or would be very helpful.
Good luck!
CCinCal liz85864
What's a Hag Replacement Therapy? I know all this perimeno stuff is making me feel like one!
metamorphed CCinCal
sorry for laughing, but now I can't stop, but what is Hag Replacement Therapy because I need some too. pmsl
CCinCal metamorphed
LOLOLOLOL. I was reading til the end of all the posts and my meno brain was expecting an explanation of what it is! Thinking its some British term I haven't heard of.
Now I see it may be spellcheck problem. Or maybe a Freudian slip! 😃 lol
karen46733 metamorphed
I'm up for hag replacement therapy as well!! 😀😀😀😀
metamorphed CCinCal
metamorphed karen46733
CCinCal metamorphed
Every time I see "HRT" from now on I think I'll remember hag instead. Lol.
metamorphed CCinCal
yes, hahahaha. Think I'll ask the doctor for some of that Hag Replacement stuff. Sounds fantastic!
liz85864 CCinCal
Tee hee hee!! It helps to have a weird sense of humour I find!!! 😊
metamorphed karen46733
if there is one, I would like it too. Haven't come across one yet.
karen46733 metamorphed
Maybe we should look into designing 1 😂😂. I think it would really helpful for me and by the sounds of it for other ladies as well
Guest karen46733
metamorphed karen46733
i use one called hormone horoscope but its not for menopause, it is really for before peri. I have found it useful though, but it is really geared towards women who still have no idea of this fiasco we're in! ha, if you know how to get one set up, let us know
liz85864 metamorphed
Mmmm! I was told a hysterectomy was the best thing I could do. I DISAGREE!!!! 46 and feel like I'm 80 most days!!! Women lie more than men!!!!
Good luck!
metamorphed liz85864
karen46733 liz85864
If they could guarantee that by having that done everything would be normal again, I'd do it!!!! But that's not going to happen!!!
I also ask who told you that???
karen46733 metamorphed
I'm feeling quite good today so I might start trying to look into it, not sure how far I will get but any ideas on what would be good to have on it would be gratefully appreciated.
tmpearce liz85864
Hi Liz,
I think that it depends on the reason you have the hysterectomy and what type it is. I had a hysterectomy 10 months ago for irregular bleeding, pain from multiple fibroids and severe endometriosis which attached my fallopian tubes to my bowel causing a ton of scar tissue formation. Uterus, fallopian tubes and cervix was removed. Ovaries were left in to gradually lose function on their own so I wouldn't go into sudden surgical menopause.
If you asked me 6 months ago if it was the best think I've done I would have said no way! But if you ask me today I would say yes, in a heartbeat! No more periods, no more pain and heaviness in my abdominal area and my IBS is a whole lot better with the endometriosis removed from my bowel. Yes, I am still suffering this menopause roller coaster as my hormone levels change and my ovaries lose function but I'd rather go through this without all of the other crap caused by the condition of my uterus etc.😀