Menopausal symptoms

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48 and not had period 7 weeks  unheard of. ? Whether heading in to menopause

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Totally usual for perimenopause, i can go 9 weeks, 4 weeks, 1 week and so on, that i can handle but its the flow (heavy) i hate and the other symptoms that goes with it.
    • Posted

      Thanks I think it is because I expect things to be ‘normal’. Has been very heavy for ages now  but also waking up during the night to go to the loo which is new. Thank you as worrying me. 
  • Posted

    Yes im 48 and have gone as long as 4 months without a period only for it all to start up again, often miss a month or have 2 in a month also. There is no pattern anymore.. you can have all the normal hormone symptoms like your about to get a period..then nothing.. then other times there is no warning at all and you just go to the loo and its there. Sometimes there is no cramping or pain what so ever.. then others you get cramps. Sometimes its crazy heavy and you dare not move.. ten others you just get spotting.. rolleyes  welcome to menopause sad
  • Posted

    yes the fatigue is awful.. plus you just dont want to do anything.. its like your get up and go has gotten up and gone.. No interest in anything. There are so many weird symptoms its mind blowing.
  • Posted

    Sounds like you could be.  That was my first sign.  Went to my OBGYN and he had me do a pregnancy test of course I knew there was no way I was pregnant, but I did what he said of course came back negative.  He put me on meds to start my period because he said I was to young to start menopause (I was 43) I will never recommend any one to have that done!!!  From that point on I had periods out of hell......... lasting more then two weeks and soaking through everything I was wearing. 
  • Posted

    For 4 years now my periods have been very heavy and anything from 18 days to 9 weeks apart. My most recent record was a space of 6 months between periods, then I started again at a regular 31 day cycle! My doctor says this is all totally normal - unpredictable periods. Ovaries pack in for a bit, then they sputter back to life, etc. And this can go on for up to 14 years (deep joy!). 
  • Edited

    I'm 49 and just made it a year without a period.

    • Posted

      Hi Lori, congratulations on your year smile How do you feel? Are your symptoms gone or still lingering? 
    • Posted

      That's good news on the anxiety. I hope that your symptoms get less and less and that you feel 100% soon smile Thank you for responding. Take care!

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