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Hi I'm not quite sure where to start with this and I will probably sound really silly
I'm 44 and a little confused. I have had no classic symptoms of menopause, my periods have been 28-30 days apart for the last 10 years+ no hot flushes etc until approx 3 weeks ago when I had 5 days of night sweats and flushes then nothing. I have now totally missed a period (3 weeks late) and realised that the flushes etc were when I was due. Is it normal for them to just stop. I have no other (what my mum had) symptoms apart from being tired. I have put that down to diabetes though as the last few months I have had great bloods and lost weight but the last 10 days I have eaten nothing but stodge. Mum is convinced its Menopause but I just feel to young any advice would be appreciated.
Sorry for rambling
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joyyoga samantha96294
Rambling is what we all do here. It's partly what it's for! I'm 48 have still got periods but have stomach pain, panics, sweats, no sleep and have lost weight! My bloods are good but there is something not right with me. We generally know our bodies by now but hormones can be strong things! I'm off to docs again tomo for a check up on bowel etc. I don't care if people think I'm crazy i al just rying to take care of myself after years of taking care of others.
Talk to anyone you need to docs, friends etc and make sure you take good care of things like your vitamins etc
Best of luck
samantha96294 joyyoga
susan21149 samantha96294
i feel that you are going through peri menopause and no you are not to young for it to start. I'm 46 and I'm post menopausal it can start in your 40s and 44 is not to young to start peri menopause.
Don't worry you are just in the begining of peri menpause, thats why there are no signs hope you feel better
samantha96294 susan21149
kim94523 samantha96294
As for being too young... yeah, I get it. But, unfortunately, it starts in our 40s for some of us. I felt the exact same way you did (I'm 47 now) a couple years ago when I started sweating through the bed and found Suzanne Sommers book called (are you ready?), "I'm too young for this"!!! It was a real life saver and wake up call. Maybe start with that but she's a bit extreme about how to TREAT peri-menopuase so once you feel understood and not alone, come back here for advice.
What helped me a couple years ago when I was your age was just simply progesterone cream. One small pea-size drop every night before I went to bed. That helped me with night sweats and helped me sleep better and just made me FEEL better... and it worked by itself for nearly two years.
I am 47 now and having much worse symptoms but am determined to find that right blend of hormones, vitamins and other rememdies to beat the latest symptoms.
I'm sorry this is happening to you now -- but it gets all of us eventually and you're not alone!
samantha96294 kim94523