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Hi this is my 1st post and just hoping someone can help. I am 39 and going though the
menopause, I have had a period for 3 weeks and fell like I have flu,my body is aching all
The drs have said there is nothing that can be done.
Does anyone have any advise?
Thanks in advance.
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I went through menopause at 39, but had no real symptoms other than lack of periods and occasional night sweats. HOWEVER, you are at a much higher risk of osteoporosis when you have an early menopause and my GP put me on HRT and calci-chew pills to try and prevent it.....I still developed it but had a very strong family history and was also under-weight so was fighting a losing battle in a way !! Your GP should do a hormone test, just to establish that it is definately an early menopause and take further management from there....lots of prescription and alternative remedies are available to treat synptoms so don't be fobbed off. Good luck. Pauline.
Thanks for your responce, it has been confirmed by a hormone test but they are reluctant to put me on hrt at the mo, just need some help with the achy flu like body and the bleeding just gets tiring! Let's hope it stops soon. Thanks for your advise.