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Hi all!
Just came across this site. I am 50, was 50 in January this year. I have 3 other friends all the same age in various different stages of peri-menopause/menopause which in a lot of ways is re assuring as can speak to them about it. My periods have always been every 5 weeks thereabouts since i was 14, 3 years ago it all started to change. I then went to 28 days like clockwork. I have always suffered from quite bad PMT/PMS but when i have been to the doctors I have always felt they never seemed to take it seriously and listen to me about how i was feeling. I have read all the posts on here and i feel exactly the same, one day ok, the next extremely anxious, weepy, forgettful, unattractive (not characters of snow white)! however they are all marching along side me. This month i developed an eye infection i went to the doctors 4 times, eventually with her referring me as i was continuously getting an infection. That day i felt slightly edgy, she took my blood pressure and not suprisingly it was high. The next day i had another period, after 16 days from the last one!! i was then on for 10 days!. I know its all changing. I have been to the doctors again and had to the 24 hour blood pressure thing and an ecg. All this is compouding my worry and anxiety, now making me feel with the high blood pressure more anxious! I do not know what would be right for me, i am trying to eat healthy and excercise (have dog) so out every day). I am thinking that i might be desperate enough for HRT although my head is really scared with the media reports about it causing cancer, the other alternative anti-depressents, all i know is that i cannot go on feeling like this.
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michelle50768 nikiola18292
I know exactly how you feel! !!! Im 48 been in perimenopause 8 years. Its been sheer hell.
I went on mirtazapine an antidepressant in Nov and it did help. Unfortunately I gained weight so trying to come off them but not sure im ready.uMy periods are every two months now. The depression and anxiety is the worst. Developed acid reflux as well caising shortness of breath!!!! Some days just yoo much to cope eith.
Just keep telling yourself this to shall pass. Im told you feel much better on the other side. God bless
Feel free to talk anytime it so helps x
annieschaefer nikiola18292
I know and so do many others the point you are at right now. No consolation right now, but this will all pass, so please as bad as you feel right now, just keep in mind, it's temporary. This can be a scary time, but I can tell you it has taken me to kiss several toads (in this case visits different doctors) to find the right one to help me navigate through this time as well. My first one wanted me on Anti-depressants, another said tried HRT patch........ugh.....the list is long. Now I've gone the way of Naturopath who picked up my thyroid is hypo now and adding to the "fun".
Today I am to see Integrative medicine doctor to hopefully pull it all together. I am 56 and only in past 1- 1 1/2 yrs have really been going through the (what I hope is) final tail spin of perimenopause. I had period last December, so I won't be considered menopausal until it's been a solid year of no periods. Have had many of the symptoms you mention and do feel I am actually starting to improve, save for the new onset of hypothyroidism.
So welcome to this "club" you are in good hands here. You will be ok.
Annie xx
Annie xx
michelle50768 nikiola18292
michelle50768 nikiola18292
susan21149 nikiola18292
I have read that a lot of women who are on HRT have more problems than ever.
I understand you can't go on feeling this way I would think of a small dose of an antidepressant for your anxieties not a high dose just a small dose to take away the anxieties and try meditating, exercising, and relaxation also learn some yoga these things can help relieve a lot of symptoms
I am on an antidepressant zoloft 25mg and ativan 1mg 3 times daily and It calm me down at times then I take walks with my dog and I am praying to God.
Its the stress and worry that is causing the anxieties because I am that way too I worry a lot myself I am working with a therapist to help me realize what I am going through with my worries and anxieties.
Try not to worry think of other stuff get your mind on something else thats what my doctor tells me stay busy stay active everything will be fine you will make it through this you are going to be okay just tell your self that
Good luck and hope everything works out
michelle50768 susan21149
If we just hang on and keep believing things will get better x
mel64317 nikiola18292
I took it for 8 years, am in my 60s now and FINE....raised blood pressure can just be stress. As long as you have the right Doctor who is listening to you and prepared to help you ( keep a diary of symptoms/ feelings) there is help out there. We don't need to suffer anymore.
Good luck Hun.💕
nikiola18292 mel64317
michelle50768 nikiola18292
nikiola18292 michelle50768
sarah63813 nikiola18292
annieschaefer sarah63813
I have to laugh when I read about the 2nd GP "couldn't get this weeping woman out of the room quickly enough..." That was me too, January 2014. I handed my GYN a list of my symptoms and a quote from some online forum of a woman who described me to the hilt! I couldn't even speak because I was busy blubbering aways with a bucketful of tears!lol!
My GYN went one step further-he slapped a Combipatch on me before I left the room and promised all would be good from the on.
Haha!-Not so much. That particular HRT did not agree with me and within 8 days I developed extreme fatigue (worse than I already had) a 3 cm breast cyst and all kinds of nonsense. I tore it off and went on a mission to find the best way for me since. Thank heavens I found this forum as it's been most helpful!
I agree.....use of HRTs are a very personal choice and what may work for one, doesn't always for another. I say quality of life is most important these days. I haven't ruled it out all the way for myself yet. My godmother used them and came off them when the time was right for her (many years ago, no less) and never had an issue. Odd how it goes that way, isn't it?
Thank you for reminding me of where I have been and the laughs!
Annie xx
sarah63813 annieschaefer
Best wishes Sarah x