
Posted , 9 users are following.

Anyone help me please as im going thru hot flushes every hour and night sweats too. Im on antidepressants for anxiety and depression althou thinking its all part of the menopause. The tabs help with mood swings but im more feeling exhausted with lack of sleep cos of hot flushes then freezing cold, and when i do get some sleep i wake up with night sweats and in the mornings generally have no energy to do anything. I dont want to go on HRT. Ive tried Sage for a week no difference. Black Cosh is suppose to give you liver infection. Would appreciate any advice.

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    I started taking Estroven to manage the hot flashes and sweating and it has been TREMENDOUSLY helpful. However, the primary ingredient is Black Cohosh. I haven't had any negative side effects or interaction with my other meds that include antidepressants and immunosuppresants for an autoimmune disease. I get blood work every few months to check my liver levels because of my meds and there hasn't been an issue so far. But, check with your doctor just to be sure. I was sweating so much, I was willing to try anything. I'm still a little sweaty at night but not soaked and I don't break out into dripping sweats at work anymore (that was super embarrassing!)

    • Posted

      HI Christy, when you were having the night sweat and sweating -- were you also losing weight. i think this is what is happening to me and i am super nervous about the weigt issue as i never lose weight..
    • Posted

      No weight loss for me--in fact, I've gained about 10 lbs in 3-4 months. sad

  • Posted


    The sage needs to be a super strength one. I take the vita biotics one. And I take meno serene and passionflower. My night sweats stopped within two weeks of taking these. Thanks to the ladies on here for suggesting them!

    Hope you find something to help you

    • Posted

      I'm in the UK. I order online from holland and barret for the sage and passionflower and the meno serene online from health span. You should be able to get similar if you are in USA. Google meno serene (one word) and check the ingredients, they contain all the vitamins and minerals you need when in peri. Hope this helps

  • Posted

    You have to take the sage for a least two weeks for it to work. Keep taking it.
  • Posted

    Also, ladies, please be careful of taking advice from people on forums. Any of it should only be considered a starting point for your own research and consultation with professionals- not instructions of what you should take, how much, for how long etc. Herbs can be useful but they also tend to be poorly researched. Remember, just because they're "natural" does not mean they are effective OR safe. Best wishes, everyone.

    • Posted

      I think most people who use forums do so to chat and share symptoms and experiences. And sometimes to let off steam and vent.

      I have learnt so much from reading posts on here and found it a great comfort. I am very grateful and like to help others if possible.

      Lots and lots of suggestions are made on how to cope and handle different symptoms. I researched into the products I found appealing and if something works for you I think it's a good idea to share it.

      Whether natural or medical, most help or advice given is an opinion not an instruction.

      Best wishes to us all

  • Posted

    Dear Cheryl,

    I was getting terrible anxiety but things seem alot better for me when I started taking a multi vit as I think I was lacking magnesium, I was also getting achey painfull joints and taking the multi vit stopped this too x

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