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Horrible feeling today I wake up at 4 am and I start cooking for the day, cleaning, and organizing wherever trying to stop my anxiety.
Today I got really scare, from feeling that it was so much to take an Advil of 250 mg I went in practically 2 months to "please give me wherever to feel normal again "
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lelawreck marcia_27799
marcia_27799 lelawreck
lelawreck marcia_27799
Thank you so much Marcia27799. I am forsing myself with happy thoughts, and i will not allow this hormonal changes to take control. Anxiety is the worse b***h of them all, and being stubborn as i am, resisted taking the anti-depressants, I have to make peace with it that i am te weak now to cope without some sort of chemical medication. Hopefully I will only need to take it for 4months and slowly wean myself off it under GP supervision. Then I'll too rather go on all the natural stuff as some of the ladies suggested.
I'll share a happy though with you on that happy day when this gets better.
We will get through this. XOXO
Mars777 marcia_27799
Hi Marcia, my anxiety got where i was cleaning all the time ? Since on HRT i am absolutley fine. Just couldn't live like that other syptoms aswell , but the anxiety was the worse x
marcia_27799 Mars777
Mars777 marcia_27799
Hormone replacement therapy ! i did cope well for many years with horrible symtoms! But the anxiety & sweats were awful, feel so good now i dio have regular checks as advised to.
paula20385 marcia_27799
Take care
lisa97672 marcia_27799
Aw. Sorry to hear. I suffer to a lot with anxiety. I wake and if I cannot go back to sleep I take a Xanax. Which gets me back to sleep. Very helpful. Also HRT does help also. It's a horrible feeling of detachment that comes with anxiety I always have now since peri came on strong about two years ago almost. Anxiety just crept in worse. Maybe try natural progesterone. That Am on that too a
omg with low dosage of prempro And find it helpful Your not alone. Take care. And thank happy thoughts when anxious 😊
teresa18635 marcia_27799
Just remind yourself that others feel this way too, and that it will go away. Your hormones need balancing and everyone is different. For me, I use a natural progesterone cream but strong strength and I use it morning and night as suggested on cream. I also us a product called cortisol management and just take one pill right before bedtime. It helps to balance that cortisol that wakes me up at 4 am every day!!! Lol it does help. When you get your progesterone balanced it will help or should help with the anxiety! I also do a teaspoon of organic coconut pile in my decaf coffee everyday. Read and google about natural anxiety relief and try it and see what helps calm your body down! Things do help! It takes a combination. Also try camomile tea right before bed, I didn't think that would help but it does. Also magnesium glycinate before bedtime helps as it's a relaxer , & we are stressed and our magnesium is depleted !! Love on your self and try some natural things first! God bless !
He ordered a complete hormone panel to be sure in what stage I am. I hope this work I will take my first tonight.
Mars777 marcia_27799