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GRRRR!!! Feeling on edge all the time , can't focus on anything, lack of sleep due to hot flushes, feeling really low. I've been to my doctors 4 x about it . I've tried HRT and I ended up with bad muscle cramps and iratable legs. I'm now asking myself how much more can I take . I don't think many people out there especially doctors fully understand.
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Anonymous111 lisa30097
Have you tried taking evening primrose oil?
lisa30097 Anonymous111
Thanks for replying. I haven't tried evening primrose but it's on my list to try. At this moment I will try anything.
Thanks again ...
dawn70425 lisa30097
Hi Lisa
I know what you mean with the menopause, it’s sooooo crap what we have to put up with, I can’t have HRT so my doc more or less just said get on with it as nothing we can give you, so Iv been going through all that u are for 4 years now, and I so feel for you, as you think you can’t carry on...
But you will, your a woman and we can, or have no choose but to carry on... if it was a guy putting up with the crap, they take to bed for life, untill it was over, but we struggle on..
Take every day as it comes, it’s hard but you just fight your way through it...
There is herbel stuff you can take, but that will just take the edge of it, there’s so cure, or miracle for us, but there will be a end to it at some point, take each day as you can..
Good luk, keep talking on here, as there’s always some one that may give u a bit of advice... or your listen to you at any time ..
Big hug 🤗x
lisa30097 dawn70425
Thanks for reading. Yes your dam right about doctors not listening. It makes you feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one and that other women are going through the same. Let's hope we get through this and come out feeling better than ever . Not sure about you but this menopause has effected my whole life . I'm trying to stay positive. Thanks for replying. Xx
dawn70425 lisa30097
Ow yes it as, I think in every way, I use to go out every weekend, with friends, but now the person I see in the mirror isn’t me 😩any more, I use to always were makeup, and would never go with out it, wen going out side, now with hot flashes the make up just slides of, so waste of time lol, so now I don’t bother putting any on...
But all the best with it all, one day I’ll look in the mirror and I may see my old self again🤞
Big hug 🤗x
lisa30097 dawn70425
Gosh ! Sounds just like myself. I never go out anymore and make excuses up when asked to go out. Hoping one day that I can message you tell you that I've finished all this menapouse crap and you also . Think there should be more female doctors that go through it bad, then maybe people will realise how difficult this menopause thing is . Maybe men should go through it as well. Think in my next life I'm coming back as a man . Xx
dawn70425 lisa30097
🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s what I say, comin back as a man next time, as they don’t have to put up with periods, PMS , and now this crap...menopause..
And yes doc should be more aware of the menopause and what it’s like, instead of just more or less sending us away to get on with it, it be bad enough if it was just a 6mth menopause, but for god sake it can be up to 10 sodding years for some😩
Like you I do hope one day I can get my life back to the norm😌
Big hug 🤗x
gilly_64426 lisa30097
How's your iron levels?
I had the same feeling and my doctor ran test. Found out my levels was really low
Guest lisa30097
Hi Lisa . I was feeling like you too. My symptoms worsened about 12 week s ago and I went to the doc who put me on citalopram for the anxiety and panic attacks which had become unbearable. I was also suffering from night sweats and insomnia. The citalopram has finally kicked in at max dosage and I'm also taking propanlol for the anxiety and sage and magnesium supplements have really helped the night sweats and my of sleep a little. My doc had agreed to let me try HRT in 2 weeks for all the other symptoms.