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Hi . I had a complete hysterectomy in March 2016. Cervix, and uterus but kept ovaries. Plus a cystocele and rectocele. Felt like crap from surg. Had hormone test in May 2017
FHS 2.7 , LH 3.2 Oestradiol 3580
Then I had a couple weeks with hot waves and went back to gp to repeat hormone test in Oct17
FsH 85.6 , LH 62.8 , Oestraidiol <50.
I'm confused how can be such a large charge in 5 months. I'm worried incase something else has made it the change so quick rather than menopause. I'm having breast and under arm and groin pain. Which gp sending me to physio for as I had a clear mammagram in nov. Any help to understand blood numbers be good. Im 46 now with no flushes at all.
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katherine_c Barney3771
Barney3771 katherine_c
Thanks for reply . Looks like it's start of the rocky road
tina00239 Barney3771
These figures are totally double dutch to us unless we are in the medical profession. I would stop befuddling your brain trying to understand what they mean because what is normal for one woman is completely abnormal for another. As your dr has arranged lots of tests for you, they must be quite understanding, so I'm sure that if you were in a situation where you needed any kind of meds to balance your hormones your dr would give you something. Try a good high strength menopause vitamin and plenty of B vitamins and also for breast tenderness a good high strength evening primrose oil capsule. Hope this helps you XXX
Barney3771 tina00239
tina00239 Barney3771