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Is any of you ladies going through postmenopause if so can you tell me how long it last please 😌

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    HI Janice

    Well if you find the answer let me know! I'm post meno for aprox 20 months

    I think it just winds itself down gradually as far as symptoms go, but when post meno ends? That's it..we are phased out..then we can really get down and party



  • Posted

    hi janice - thats a million dollar question, when you find the answer, let me know - i am 6 years post meno, but actually didnt start getting weird symptoms until about 3 - 4 years ago, but this last year has been a real roller coaster ride - i am praying that means the end is near for me. i did have all the typical peri symptoms like insomnia, night sweats & flooding, but nothing as bad as what i have experienced in post - menopause is not for sissys! good luck!

  • Posted

    Agree with debra! Sailed through peri but meno is crap! Only 47 so I am an early one but so was my mum & she also had a rough one. Sending u hugs! Xxx

  • Posted

    Agree with debra! Sailed through peri but meno is crap! Only 47 so I am an early one but so was my mum & she also had a rough one. Sending u hugs! Xxx

  • Posted

    HI Janice, I'm in POST MENOPAUSE and nearly 2 Years with out a period and only start to feel myself couple months does get better, you will be yourself again at some point,everybody timing is different some people are quick and some people take longer if your periods has end you will feel rubbish but so your destiny out of the monster pause trust me it takes time so keep going...your not going to realise that symptoms is disappearing look forward to the good times bless xxxx

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