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Hi i think am starting menopause since i hit 45 last year what a mess, i walk and wee, i get sore breasts, aching joints lifting arms or cleaning the oven nightmare, my periods have always been bad painful every 3 weeks with out fail this time its over due for me by 2 days but odd to me. having cramps but no period im not pregnant cant have children. would you go to doctors ive had tests before when went to fertility. CLinic said didnt have many eggs left. Its getting me down so much even my partner has started moaning saying am always ill. Any advice id be greatfull.
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jodie99814 suzi86717
I'm turning 47 in a month and I too am over this crap. I don't know what to do about this either, I wish i knew how long it's going to last. I was wondering if you get this head pressure, not a headache, i get those too, but a dreamy quality like walking around in a haze? Also, every time i complain about some odd new symptoms, my husband's like here we go again...jerk. Lol!
suzi86717 jodie99814
yes i got that past 4 days, my partner like that too said is there any eles and thinks am making it all up. driving me mad it is dont know weather am coming or going.
eloise94644 suzi86717
unfortunately men dont understand at all, i dont speak to my other half about it at all now. i chat to my girl friends and get it all out of my system lol
my last period was weird it was like the end of a period rather than starting one
also after every period for about 2 days i get quite low and emotional for no reason at all
im 46 and seem to cope with most things apart from the palpitations i hate them
eloise xx
Sassyr12a suzi86717
Hello suzi
This sounds very much like the torture of menopause or at least peri. Yes, I'd go to the doctor and get tested. Sooner you do that, the sooner you can consider options to feel better. My hubby thinks he's been through a war 'it's been hard on all of us aparrently' 😃 xx
lisa17089 suzi86717
Hi suzi
I too think I am starting menopause, achy joints and muscle aches. I can't lift my arms above my head for long, they just ache and feel heavy all the time. I always have some sort of ache or pain and it's getting me down. My partner keeps saying not something else wrong with you, but he doesn't understand how I feel on a daily basis. I also get twitchy muscles which really freak me out, restless leg syndrome, the list goes on and on. So yes I k ow exactly how you feel xxx
sara97862 suzi86717
Hi Suzi,
48 yrs old here. I too, always feel ill in some way. If it's not headaches, it's digestion. if it's not digestion, it's insomnia. If it's not insomnia, it's relentless anxiety. And I barely recover from one period then it's time for the next.
I just switched gyno dr's, as the one I had been with does not seem to understand this stage of life.
In my experience, my husband knows I don't visit Dr's unless I need to, and me going to these appts at least shows him I am trying my best to get the old me back.
So I would say yes, go to the Dr.
Hugs to you,