menopause - aches and pains - knees -
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hi - thought i was going mad - went to my docs and was sent 4 a x-ray and blood test - was sure i had arthritis - over the last 12 months my periods had gradually become irregular - turned the dreaded 50 in feb :wink: - but didn;t feel depressed about that - i suprised myself - then wow - my knees over the last month having been killing me :cry: - anyway to cut a long story short my results came back - no arthritis
thank goodness but my blood showed menopausal? my doc was quite unhelpful after initally giving me confidence she was going to sort me out lol - so what was her advice - exercise - believe me i don;t need any more - very active - she said :!: that i could only be offered pain-killers for any relief - no way i said - i don;t believe in popping pills - occasional paracetamol when really needed - so basically has anyone found a solution which me help me - i;m thinking maybe of herbel substance i.e cod liver oil capsules or similiar - no mention of hrt but i briefly looked into this and found alot of people actually ended up worse - and as its early days yet don;t want to jump in the deep end - thanks 4 taking time to read this
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Maybe something like these things may help with the pain in your knees? I hope so. Good luck.
I am 50 and was having had a terrible time with joint pain in peri menopause...not my knees at all, but shoulders, elbows and hips. It took me ages to get a GP to listen to me, because blood tests showed no inflammation which is of course correct...because menopausal arthris is not inflammatory. It is all due to having no or low estrogen (estrogen usually helps to cushion the joints, keep cartilage and sofft tissue supple.)However, considering my GP is supposed to be the joints and rheumatoid expert of the beggars belief that he had never heard of menopausal arthritis!! I finally saw a young, keen female GP who listened to me and didnt make me feel like a silly, over anxious old lady.
My pain was ruining my life, affecting everything I did from dressing, to walking. I could not walk let alone exercise, I could hardly get out of bed and was in severe pain. I seriously could not cope with it so when my bloods showed FSH levels this young GP said it was all hormonal. I could not believe hormones (or lack of them) could do so much damage. So.....I decided to try HRT. I know this is not for everyone, and I dont like popping pills either...but I felt I had no choice.
I do feel I made the right decision for me.
For natural apprach, Glucosamine chondriotin, and and eggshell membrane is supposed to be wonderful for joint can get both from healthspan in the UK.
I hope you feel better
I am on an iPad, and it is awful to type on...or it changes all my words!!!
deeme suse
LIke 2000 IU
every now and again i cut back on it,to 800 IU , and i do this myself....Rhumetologist doesnt know....