Menopause after HRT
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Had hysterectomy in 2003 and came off Hrt in 2011. I have struggled, battled and not felt myself since coming off and now struggling really bad with vaginal dryness. My husband and I haven't been intimate for 18 months as t's just too painful. I just feel so sad all the time whilst trying to move on and pretend I'm ok, I feel so fed up and just want to feel better! Has anyone got any advice?
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jayneejay katie1961
oh hun...
Its horrible isnt it... Well stopping HRT you will get all the peri meno symptoms as your hormones were replensihed by HRT and now your body has to adjust to its normal menopause hormone balance .. decline mode 😏
ok.. This may help ...
i had a natural peri as i had no hysterectomy so abit different to you but i am menopasue now and have same problem..
do you use anything for the dryness now ?
Theres a couple of options ..
try premeno duo vaginal moisturiser ovules..
from stress no more uk web. ( dont get off amazon as they are three times the price)
these are dual effect and also prevent thrush etc..
or try Ovestin Estriol vaginal cream its the gentlist oestrogen used vaginally ..
for dryness ... my Gyno told me about it as its just a bit of estriol for just that purpose .. Not full HRT and you can use it as and when if required ..
if you look at the discussions in menopause on here i did a discussion about estriol
Ovestin ... It may help
jay xx
katie1961 jayneejay
i will try premeno duo.....ovules as I will try anything to make me feel better. Most of the time I just cope, the flushes are bad enough but the dryness just gets me down and find myself thinking of going back on the HRT, but the thought of having to come off it and going through it all again stops me. I never thought the symptoms would last this long, 1 or 2 years at the most but nearly 4 now!
thank you again for the advice x
jayneejay katie1961
gynest is very similar but weaker ..
yes i have hot flushes too... Night mare arent they..
magnesium oil spray in the skin helps ...trans dermal ..
also Vit E ... For flushes .. Or magnesium supplement at night .
have you had a check lately ? I only mention as i had one three weeks ago and thought my vaginal dryness was terrible.. Had a smear and full well woman check ..
i often felt like thrushy discomfort but no discharge ... Etc..
i treated for thrush from time to time..
turns out i had a form of bacterial vaginitis hence the awful pain in sex and puts you off... It mimics thrush and all to do with flora vaginal.. But needs a dose of clindamycin antibiotic vaginal antibiotics or metronizadole to clear it ... Too much flora ... PH not right..
abundance of bad bacteria and normal good bacteria eaten away 😩
just a thought ... Its all menopause related stuff 😕 lack of estrogen and all that
jay xx
katie1961 jayneejay
Felt wonderful on the HRT compared to now, but alway did worry about the breast cancer scare hence trying so hard to avoid going back on it.
do you know if I need a doc to prescribe the ovestin or can I get in over the counter?
i did think the burning could be coz I had a reaction to the gynast not thinking that I might just need something a little stronger!
jayneejay katie1961
oh right you had a full hyster...
Not sure about obtaining Ovestin estriol in other countries ..
i live in southern spain and can over the counter at the farmacia ..
i do order my pre meno via the UK ... Stress no more web uk..
i have a little stock of them, but with this problem i need to get well before using them ..
just heard good things about premono duo vag moisturiser ..
jay xx
katie1961 jayneejay
i have ordered some premeno from stress web site, so feel like I have done something positive.
thanks for all the advise and I'll say goodnight x
jayneejay katie1961
oh nice one..
let me know how you get in with them..
night night
jay xx
liz53953 katie1961
jayneejay liz53953
dont put the premeno duo in your arsenal 😀
sorry it just made me smile as i have a warped sense of humour 😮
jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
i know you have had a hysterectomy..
but did you know that you can still get bacterial vaginosis BV or Cytolylic vaginosis CV in the vaginal wall ?
this is like thrush feeling .. Very painful, but not thrush and not cured by thrush treatments ..
like you know i had vaginal dryness and pain.. And all was fine at well woman, but didnt then have my smear result ..
i was told i hadn CV bad bacterial flora killing good bacteria and thrush.
you need a vaginal anti biotic to cure BV & CV and i had no idea i had it, no discharge nothing ...
with you using all these different things and trying everything maybe you have messed your flora up in vag wall and have the same ..
just a thought..
My gyno contacted me and told me to use 3 x Ovules of Clindamycin one for three nights and then 3 x ovules of Laurimic for the thrush..
it goes un diagnosed alot this does and woman think thrush and treat it and it comes again as its not thrush .. As I have done for ages ..
its painful, dryness is awful and discomfort.. I am much better now ..
jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
i think you may have a PH problem now .. Only my thought..
you have explained sooooo many treatments for dryness and the vagina is not cut out for lots of different things vaginally...
Its best left to its own devices if its not dryness your treating..
that would explain the soreness ..
there is different types of treatment for BV or CV ..
somwhat ever you had in past try something different ..
i will post the treatments in a minute ..
i have dome a discussion heading on here about thrush maybe being cytolyic Vaginosis ...
jay xx
jayneejay liz53953
treatment for bacterial vaginosis / Cytolytic Vaginosis
and thrush treatments .. * Note a thrush treatment does not cure BV or CV
so if anyone thinks they have thrush and treats it and it returns and persists is probably not thrush.. Ot it could be both .... Thrush & BV
How are vaginal infections treated?
Thrush is treated with antifungal creams that are applied locally to the area surrounding the vagina or with antifungal pessaries or cream inserted into the vagina. Often a combination of the two is used.
Examples of topical antifungal agents used to treat thrush include clotrimazole (eg, Canesten®), econazole (eg, Gyno-Pevaryl®), fenticonazole (Gynoxin®) and miconazole (eg, Gyno-Daktarin®).
Some treatments for thrush are available to buy from pharmacies without a prescription. Sometimes antifungals are given orally as tablets or capsules. Oral antifungals used to treat thrush include fluconazole (eg, Diflucan®) and itraconazole (eg, Sporanox®). Single-dose fluconazole capsules (eg, Diflucan® One) are available to buy over the counter from pharmacies.
Treatment for bacterial vaginosis is with antiprotozoal-antibacterial tablets containing either tinidazole (Fasigyn®)
or metronidazole (eg, Flagyl®). Metronidazole is also available as a vaginal gel called Zidoval®.
A cream containing clindamycin (Dalacin® Cream) and vaginal Ovules may also be given.
Alternatively, pH correction gels/pessaries (eg, Balance Activ®, Multi-Gyn ActiGel®, Relactagel®) can be used.
liz53953 jayneejay
Yes you are correct I've had a go at a few things but tried to do only one at a time to see what happens. I'm only using vitamin e oil inserted at the moment but continuing with probiotics and vitamin c orally as I have always done. Can't get in doctors they have a training day!!!! Don't have any faith left in them anyway.
jayneejay liz53953
bless you hun.. i so feel for you...
i had no idea i had Cytolytic vaginosis ...
i just felt uncomfotable, very sharp like stabbing dry pains etc
thought it was menopause dryness.. but it wasnt ..
Gyno said i did have dryness.. but it was confirmed as CV after the smear..
Cytolytic vaginosis
Cytolytic vaginosis is a vaginal condition that involves an overgrowth of lactobacillus bacteria. Lactobacilli are a normal part of the vaginal environment.
also known as bacterial vaginosis type condition..
can you remember what antibiotics you took before that you said didnt agree
can a pharmacist help you ?
here you can get the meds over the counter ..
jay xx
jayneejay liz53953
i know women use vit E vaginally.. but i would never dare ..i am so sensitive below ..
i think if i was you i would get a swab done.. i think you need like me ..
an antibiotic treatment for three days i had Dalacin ovules vaginally, for three nights followed by Laurimic Ovules vaginally for three nights ..
as the antibiotic may cause thrush you need to follow with Laurimic or similar.
my smear revealed both CV and thrush 😕 and then i got a urine infection as the CV etc had been untreated for 10 months ..
my hopeless doc i saw in jan did a smear and i had Bacterial Vaginosis and inflamtion then, he failed to treat it .. luckily i have the smear result and we checked back and i have had it months untreated ..
causing me hell on earth
jay xx
jayneejay liz53953
you say your PH is up to 7 ?
how do you know do you test it
BV is usually established diagnosed by vaginal pH greater than 4.5..
i would skip all the vit E vaginally for a while hun, dont use anything .
get some meds.. ( well thats what i would do) it will just aggrevate it .
i take my Vit E orally...
if doctors a no hope a pharamcist may help you
they sometimes know more than a doctor anyway
jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
oh i see 😩
well theres always Clindamycin vaginal i had that and it didnt react at all..
infact it soothed ... like heaven
infact it feels tonnes better now ...
just got abit of the urine infection twangs still 😏
but still got more norfloxacin to take for that not finished course yet..
hope to get sorted as its miserable
big hugs
jay xx
jayneejay liz53953
i just ordered some vaginal PH testers
EcoCare Comfort Vaginal Vaginosis pH Test Stick - Pack of 15 Tests
thanks for that info...
think they are a brilliant thing to have when we suffer and not know
cheers Liz
jay xx
jayneejay liz53953
theres also the alternatives.. never tried them so cant say how good they are.
Alternatively, pH correction gels/pessaries (eg, Balance Activ, Multi-Gyn ActiGel, Relactagel) can be used.
i read about Multi Gyn think boots sell it it had good reviews
hope you find some relief soon hun.. and feel more comfortable
jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
jayneejay liz53953
i know i am from UK originally and i dont miss the NHS one bit.
cant get to see a dam doctor when you need it .. then referred and waiting weeks again .. shambles ...
i have to pay here but i am sorted straight away and not expensive..
i too have the uri sticks for urine.. good arent they..
take care Liz
jay xx