Menopause and allergies
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Has anyone in peri or post experienced hives, rashes, itchy skin? If so can you say if it settles post menopause? I'm 2.5 years into peri. Have horrendous itches and rashes if I eat certain foods. Sometimes for no reasons also.
Get dizziness, hot at night and at times literally think I am losing my faculties as I can't remember anything.
Anyone out there experiencing similar symptoms?
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maddysmom2015 sinead57494
I developed food allergies in peri. Things no one is allergic to--bananas, papaya, onions...And more regular allergies like eggs. I get hives sometimes for no discernable reason, (I am pretty good at avoiding my allergens). And I am randomly itchy on my neck and abdomen at least 2-3 times a week. Like leave the room to scratch like my dog itchy.
I too have wicked brain fog. And, if I get the peri anxiety, I also get dizzy and a kind of dissociative feeling. Like I am floating above, performing as myself but not being myself. .
Do you think you might have some mild, undiagnosed food sensitivities? Allergies? Like Gailannie said, rightly so, that the drop in our hormones is a systemic alteration that affects many of the body's processes.
I too would love to know if this settles post-menopause.
So sorry you are suffering. But you are not alone.
kelly55079 sinead57494
I feel out of it most of the time and then anxiety too especially this time of the year. I also feel like eating all the time which I don't like. I'm trying to lose weight!! But I wanted to mentioned something about the the itchy skin. Look into Cod Liver Butter Oil for itchy skin due to allerigies. There is a certain brand that is fermented which is the best of the best. I was dog-sitting in August and these cute dogs kept itching like mad-- it really drove me nuts but it was a time that I was researching this product and I remembered it was to help itchy skin.. I gave the dogs some and sure enough-- the itching stopped!!! The owners were amazed and bought some to continue. It could help you as well.
sue58256 sinead57494
Marisa02082 sinead57494
Had and have the same thing for years. Tried everything...Still have it..Allergies were better with me taking Claritin everyday..I do not like to take anything but my allergies were so bad..I intutively knew they were due to hormones changing. Also, itchy patches would come out and more during different parts of the month. I took every oil and natural remedy for years, I still keep trying. Got a steriod creme finally and that helped alot but dont like to use that. I have had the same tube for a few years. I hope you know your not alone. I hope this goes away!! ohhh and yes...dizziness is the absolulte worse. That's my wosrt feeling.