Menopause and Depression
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Hi I am 44 and started menopausing when I was about 38. Just recently I have been feeling really low and worrying about bad things happening. I can't seem to focus on anything good. I feel selfish for feeling this way. I was on a high dose of antidepressants but they gave me really bad upset stomachs. Has anyone else been feeling this way ?
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Gypsy014 Guest
Hi lisa, I feel all these symptoms as well, I wish I could say it gets better, but I'm in the thick of it all myself.. From what I've researched all normal even though none of this feels normal.. Its AWFUL all of it and I feel for you, I have the low days where all I think about is what is bad going to happen doom and gloom, and any kind of stress I just can't handle, it sends my anxiety into panic attacks. For me I don't take anything, but I have signed up for CBT with a therapist, as well as mindfulness videos on the internet, I also walk and yoga and try and do anything to keep busy and keep my mind off the negative thinking. Hopefully you can do the same, it's all trial and error, whatever makes you as an individual cope and feel good, and on the days your just to nervous and blue, just cry and let it all out.. That always makes me feel better. Oh and mornings are the worst for me!!!!! I don't know why but they're bad, then by noon it feels like my back cloud has lifted enough to stop crying and get on with whatever is going to make me feel better.. Weird but just how it is!!! ?
Guest Gypsy014
Thank you. I've tried Mindfulness and counselling and although initially it helped me I think now that winter is approaching I feel lost especially as my boys are growing up so fast and I feel less needed albeit I have my little dog who is beautiful. Thank you for your kind words
samantha_12886 Guest
I also feel this way. I cannot get the negative thoughts out of my mind. I have tried to relax or find something to try to take my mind of it . I'm really struggling . It's like I'm in side screaming to get out . I am on HRT and anti depressants. Neither seem to make me feel like I used too . I have never felt so low and scared at times . Where would I be without this forum . I dread to think !
Guest samantha_12886
Thank you for your reply. That's exactly how I feel. I'm so scared and can't seem to look forward to anything
nanette44686 Guest
Hi ladies me too I think we are all in the same situation it's truly awful I am in the thick of it at the mo don't know whether I'm coming or going I missed two periods earlier in the year then they came back with a vengeance now I have just missed this month I have all 66 symptoms and more don't know which way to turn really oh and it's my birthday today but I'm here laid in bed writing this to you lovely ladies feeling blue 😔??Sending hugs to each and everyone of you cos that's what we all need 🤗🤗🤗??
Guest nanette44686
Aww bless you. It's so horrid isn't it ? Hugs back to you
Azzumi Guest
Hi Lisa, i'v had extreme obsessive negative thinking through peri meno. Also very bad depression, anxiety and anger. I'v been on BHRT for 9 months and I'm finally feeling normal again. The negative thoughts have settle a lot and my moods are much better. I still have a few off days but its nothing compare to where I was.
Guest Azzumi
That's great news and makes me feel more positive thank you
susan58415 Guest
Guest susan58415