Menopause and fsh level low?
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I may sound stupid but don't know who to ask on this.
I am 50 years old and when I was 48 my periods started going all over the place. Firstly I would be every couple of weeks and then now I can go 3 months .
Of course I thought menopause as I had night sweats although never any daytimes flushes. My gp tested my fsh and it was only 5. Apparently she said it needed to be over 20 for years to be perimenopause usually so it was ruled out.
I was sent for ovarian scans which said I had a dermoid cyst but only small. I was told they would rescan which they did a year later and still only small. I continued to get no periods only every two or 3 months. They redid my fsh which again was 5 or less so again they have said I am not anywhere near the menopause.
I have now gone almost 3 months without any period and my moods are swinging and although still not got any daytime hot flushes, I do have some night sweats. I have dry skin, my hair is changing texture and I have numerous other niggling symptoms.
Would anyone say I am approaching the menopause although my docs say not as my fsh is that of a very young person. Can you have a low fsh but be in the menopause.
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sue976 karenskip
yes you can, I went to my doctors last year after been all over with my periods and lots of strange symptoms, after speaking with me she said I was definitely peri menopause she sent me for bloods, but did say it's not very accurate, so even if it came back normal that didn't mean I wasn't in peri, she said mist of them come back normal, so she and the others in the practice go on your symptoms, from what you gave said I would say you are
chrisann144 karenskip
Omg the Drs and there bloodwork is soooo annoying you have all the symptoms and just because your bloodwork isn't a certain number in my opinion doesn't mean your not in Peri hormones fluctuate and so maybe the day it's drawn it's normal and two weeks later your running on fumes!!!! It's sooo irritating to me how these Drs have to be so clinical instead of listening to your symptoms and saying you sound like your in Peri but bloodwork isn't always an accurate test!!!! I would say your in Peri!!!! I looked up the symptoms of perimenpause and I have twenty nine out of the 35 symptoms I found you should google it to see if you have other symptoms as well
Zigangie karenskip
You sound peri to me, also you are the right age. I'm not sure about other ladies but when I started skipping periods I was only a couple of years away from none at all. Before that they were lighter than before but always on time.
elaine33371 karenskip
Thanks for all the replies ladies. I feel that maybe my cysts are to do with this and if I don't have any period in the forth month maybe it's best to get another check. I have suffered ovarian cysts a few times but this latest one is a dermoid so they said they needed to keep an eye on it. I certainly feel something is not right but I have not had any daytime flushes as yet but do get night sweats and with my doctor definitely dismissing it I am a little niggled by this.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply.
When do you go tge doctors to ask for help/hrt?. Although my gp was adamant I was not on the change when I went as my posts above.
Could it all be related to my dermoid cyst and not the menopause at all. I know no one can answer that but as I have not had periods for over 5 months now and my fsh was only 5 and I have had no hot flushes would it be wise to go and see them maybe?