Menopause and Health Anxiety
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Having a real bad last couple of weeks. Anyone out there have times where you swear there has to be something more wrong? The dizzy spells are relentless, balance way off and when i look across the room say at the TV, it feels like my brain disconnects from my body and I feel like I'm going to fall down. Sometimes a hot flash is around the corner sometimes not. And then at times I get super nauseated. The tinnitus is super bad too. And of course my anxiety is through the roof with all this. My last physical 11 months ago all showed normal tests. Have had scans MRI, bloodwork etc all normal. Menopause is awful at least for me anyway. I have posted before but really need support right now.
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karen96096 Nettie261962
hi nettie i know the feeling. the dizziness and hot flushes were the worse for me. i always feel off balance. my anxiety was also through the roof. went onto hrt patches 3 years ago and it settled it all down. but the past few weeks most of it flared back up so dr as upped my hrt patches. i use magnesium spray for my joints and use cbd oil. so im hoping its going to settle again. your not alone darl xx
michelle97919 Nettie261962
Hi Nettie
My heart goes out to you right now
Im 6 months post meno and like you super nauseated acid reflux stomach pain etc
The list goes on
I had a ten year peri hell on earth
I cant offer advice but can say the women here are a God send
Like you my health anxiety is through the roof
Ikeep thinking not menopause something wrong
Hang in there you are not alone x
tina39899 Nettie261962
hi Nettie, I feel exactly the same. Always thinking something else MUST be wrong with me. For the last 2 years ive had tinnitus, blurry vision, acid reflux and just feeling something else is wrong. Ive had MRI, endoscopy, visits to hearing specialist and blood tests .... nothing found. Always had some
anxiety issues but theyve taken a step up now. Just want me back again.
mrs_susan74280 Nettie261962
Any one trying natural medication, or antidepressants, at all thank you ,
theresa53424 mrs_susan74280
Hi Susan,
I started BHRT treatments in December and they put me on Cymbalta and Ativan. I use to suffer on a daily basis but now it seems like the 3rd week of every month is when it hits me the worse. But so far the BHRT, Cymbalta and Ativan is helping with 66 plus symptoms.
sharcerv52408 Nettie261962
I know how you feel, Nettie. Menopause is definitely not nice at all. I have been going through this nightmare now for ten years and my tests all come back normal too. There is nothing normal about how I feel. Now I am at the point where I am skipping periods. The last set of blood work that I had done came back normal showing no hormonal changes. But my gyn said that the symptoms usually come first before the blood work reveals anything. So who knows when that will be. Hoping that you feel better soon.
Nettie261962 sharcerv52408
Thank you for your reply Sharcerv,
Do you get dizzy spells or do you have balance issues? I have both almost on a daily basis. If it wasn't for the MRI/ CT scans I've had, I would think something more is up. I have been diagnosed with "silent migraines" which I never had before all this hit me so hard.This is all so scary....
Gypsy014 Nettie261962
All migraine/silent migraine (which get bad during menopause) its on 66 symptoms list.. The ringing in ears, the nausea, the looking across room and having that feeling in the brain that everyone describes different.. For me when I look across the room at a pattern, it suddenly becomes wavy like its moving.. Those are the migraine auras, very scary! Then the health anxiety kicks in and you become scared..I'm in migraine week now , my migraine what I call it is brewing for me, and I know its coming because my ears are ringing , off balance , dizzy when turning, patterns are wavy, pressure in head on one side pressure in the eye ear back of head nausea, and then the big M comes, I haven't found anything to help any of this yet, I just deal with it all as it comes..
suzanne_0411 Nettie261962
I sympathize. I have never had a hot flash, but dizziness has been my worst symptom for many years. I am going on 4 years post and although it has gotten better than it was when I was in peri, it still happens. I feel like I'm always slightly off balance. When I bend over the sink to wash my face I sometimes feel like I'm swaying. I have also had swooshing tinnitus in my right ear for a while now. For a while my anxiety, especially health anxiety, was off the charts. It is better, but revisits. Last night I had gas pains in my abdomen... another symptom I have...feel like I'm a gas bag...and the sensation sent a wave of panic through me that took me a while to shake. If I'm tired the off balance feeling is worse. This has sucked. No one talks about this enough. If it wasn't for finding these message boards I would have thought I was losing my mind. They have been a godsend.
Cass63 Nettie261962
Hello Nettie,
I have experienced every symptom you have mentioned here. I have been on this journey 10 years and it is definitely not getting any easier. Seems like when I think the worst is behind me and I start to have some hope, everything seems to come back 100 times worse. The health anxiety is the worst because it can wreak havoc with your mind. I have always suffered with anxiety, but nothing to compare with what it has been during menopause and to be honest, in my case, even worse in post menopause. I really thought being 6 years post menopause things would be settling down some for me but that is not the case. The last 2 years have been just as bad or worse than when this all started for me. My mom had very bad menopause, she now is 73 and still experiences bad days and hot flashes. However she does reassure me it is not as bad as it once was. I am 55 so I guess I still have some more menopause time to pull. This site is a great place to come to for reassurance. There are some wonderful ladies on here who are experiencing so many of the same symptoms. They are here to listen and offer advise from their own experience with this time of life. I am thankful to be living in a time when women can talk and share these crazy symptoms and encourage one another. We will all get through this in GOD's time. GOD Bless
katyD211 Nettie261962
Hi most definitely have my support. At one time or another i have felt all the symptoms you describe and then some! At this moment, i am super nauseous and sucking on a peppermint. Haven't had a period for 3 months but i was having all the symptoms before you get one...then boom! It started last night at grandsons spelling bee. And i agree that just coming to "chat" with everyone on this forum makes me relax and not feel so afraid and alone.
Feel better and hugs through cyberspace.
claire38123 Nettie261962
menopause sucks we all wish we just had hot flushes the past few months my symptoms have gone through the roof palpitations,sweats,dizziness,aches,headaches,fatigue,pins and needles,constantly block sinus,anxiety feel like an old woman who cant be bothered to do anything 3 visits to GP in 3 wks and all he has done is put me on the sick from work its only you ladies that keep me sane and reading the fact that we all have the same things going on good luck with yours all we can hope is one day it all goes away in the mean time we are all here for each other big hugs xx