menopause and hrt with antidepressants
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Hi please help I am menopause and on everol 100 I am still feeling depressed after 2 month of starting then can anyone suggest the best antidepresants as I may need them
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deidra40034 beverley_c69016
I wonder why our great-grandmas, grandmas, aunties, mothers never told us about this???? All I remember seeing is all of them dabbing their faces madly, and pulling at their blouses and dresses and having red faces, and laughing...well I am always hot...or was, now I am always going cold, and my feet are always frozen! LOL Some of that now is due to other health issues. Our bodies are very strange for sure!! I have a bone to pick with the BIG Man upstairs one day! LOL I fine He has a very strange sense of humor!
I would give your doctor a call, and discuss it with your doctor, ask them about Citalopram, but like I said, there are several others that are very good too. Here on the same site, there is a forum on Citalopram, I am on that one as well, lots of good info there too about it, as well as other meds that they have been on, or are thinking of switching over to. You can just type it in the box to the right and check it out...I wish you good luck! You are never alone here, we are all here for you no matter which forum you go to!!
Rhino2015 beverley_c69016
Good luck this a terrible time for women with the short straw meno wise
Loui x
bobbysgirl beverley_c69016
I really think good nutrition is the answer. Before you reach for the pills, try a change in diet. I did and, apart from some joint pain I feel great - and I have lost weight!
tinaarena.1 bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl tinaarena.1
I eat a diet with small servings of grass-fed meat and wild, not farmed, fish. I started making my own museli with spelt flakes and an assortment of seeds and nuts with some organic dried fruit for sweetness and some true cinnamon (not the baking sort) I avoid low-fat food in favour of full-fat organic (if I can get it) cheese, milk and yoghurt with probiotics.
I take Magnesium, B complex and Vit D, and have just started to take Vit K2 as research is showing it helps put calcium in your bones, where it belongs and not in your arteries where the inflamation it causes makes your body lay down cholesterol. Cholesterol isn't the Bogieman that we are led to believe. It is there to ease inflamation and is vital for brain function. Reduce the inflamation and you reduce the need for excess cholesterol. Your body will maintain that status quo if you give it the right fuel.
Since I have been eating this way - about 5 months, I have gone from 13ST to 11ST 10LB with little effort and no cravings. Happy Days!
Now all I have to do is get to the bottom of the joint pain I've had since the menopause started - more inflamation?
bobbysgirl tinaarena.1
beverley_c69016 tinaarena.1
Rhino2015 bobbysgirl
I know I can feel great again, because I did with Kliogest and Tiberlone, I just cant take them as they casue heavy bleeding for me. I am now taking Femoston Conti (2 months) and citalopram but not a lot better at this stage. Going to ask for a higher dose of HRT which I hope will work.So glad to read something has worked for you
tinaarena.1 beverley_c69016
bobbysgirl tinaarena.1
me again! Sugar will give you a short-term boost, but a long-term crash. It will make matters worse in the long run.
tinaarena.1 bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl tinaarena.1
looloo43 beverley_c69016
beverley_c69016 looloo43
looloo43 beverley_c69016
beverley_c69016 looloo43
carole44875 beverley_c69016
Hang on in there. I am just starting hrt and although I still feel like rubbish, I am sure something is changing just a tiny little bit.
I am also struggling big time with depression, anxiety, days where crying is constant. Body tremors. Sleeplessness. We have to trust it is a process and will get better. Some days it's hard to believe I know.
I am also on ads because initially noone even considered perimenopause even though I'm 51 and thanks to it being a taboo topic I had no idea of the devastation it can cause. All my senses and emotions seem to be on red alert, all at once.
Hopefully your GP will listen but if they don't keep knocking on their door. And keep posting, vent, let us know how you're doing. Xx
beverley_c69016 carole44875
looloo43 beverley_c69016