Menopause and I feel like I am going crazy
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I have had just about every symtom
I had bad postpartum depression .
Some of these symptoms drive me crazy
Today, and recently, I have had twitching or pulsing in my left side and now my shoulder.
I am 55 and looking for some reassurance.
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tina00239 nanc00951
Well nanc, you have come to the right place if its reassurance you need. What you are describing is classic meno symptoms. Hormones are resposible for so many bodily functions and the slightest imbalance can and does cause total havoc. I'm sure your aches and pains are classic meno pains and nothing more. Try not to worry about it as you will only make things worse by being anxious. This will end at some point try to keep your chin up we've all been there or are suffering along with you so remember there is always someone here for you.XXX
nanc00951 tina00239
What makes this so hard is always being the caregiver to the family and having such a hard time just caring for myself.
I am going through the process of seeing all medical professionals
I have had my pap, mammogram, been to dermatologist, having a colonoscopy done in about a week and next week I am going to a cardiologist.
But this is certainly the hardest thing I have been through.
tina00239 nanc00951
I know hun, believe me, I know. When all your tests come back ok which I'm sure they will at least your mind will be put at rest. But it sounds like you need to talk to your other half and family and let them know that you are suffering you may be very surprised by the support you get from them. I know I was. My man, my sons and my dr also a male are so understanding and supportive it s unbelievable. So trust your family its time they were there for you. XXX
maria76995 nanc00951
maria76995 nanc00951
Yes it does make you feel that way sometimes lack of sleep don't help either I feel like crying but that's not going to help me.. I talk to my sister every night before bed just need reassurance that I will feel better which she tells me all the time..I feel also useless helpless I rely on something to make me sleep most times that don't always make me go off but what else can you do so uncomfortable for me..I hope you feel better soon.