menopause and low mood, headpains etc

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hi have some intermitent terrible head pains on left side and in eye and ear, feel down and bit sick and unstable, anxiety through the rood on waking, am on estrogil patches that keep coming off and no period now for a year. feel terrible anyone else like this is awful, any suggestions please...….

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Debbie. 

    Like u I keep getting headaches down right side of face and in my eye and ear. Feels like there is a bubble in my ear.    And terrible migraines.   The were so frequent a year ago. The sent me for brain scan. But as expected all came back clear.   As regards anxiety. I had it terrible  so I cut out sugar and sugar snacks etc. And I am so so much better now. The sugar was feeding the anxiety and my anxiety went through the roof. But 75 percent better now. Although I get a bit agitated and anxious around my period noting compared to what it was.    And same with ur mood. Sugar really effects it. When ur sugar is too high ur agitated and wanting to do something. But then u. Rash and don’t have energy to do anything. And feel depressed. 😌😌😌. And I find emotions run high anyway around periods up and down like but don’t know what 😒

  • Posted

    Hi Debi, I can relate to you with the headaches and anxiety. I didn’t get migraines, head pressure  and and anxiety until perimenopauseThe only thing that has helped me with my migraines and calmed the anxiety a bit is an anti depressant..  I also get very dizzy, whoozy. I still have a period whenever, so I do not have any HRT experience.  But, if your headaches are new on the patch...maybe it’s not agreeing with you.  I’ve tried birth control pills to manage symptoms, and it made things worse, so I had to stop. (Although I took them without a problem for 20 years before). The only thing that has helped me with my migraines and calmed the anxiety a bit is an anti depressant.   I take Lexapro.

    I do not plan on being on them forever, just to get me through.  I hope you find some relief.  I would run through rose bushes right now if it eased my symptoms 😊

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      I tried them and got sweating in the mornings terrible, loss of appertight, couldn't eat till 5pm, lose 9 pounds in weight ,5 weeks is all I could take, not sure if I should of stayed on them, how long have you been on them,

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      Hello, I just finished 8wks.  On 5 mg.  Supposed to be on 10mg, but I’m trying to get by on the lowest dose.  I am very small too and it will be  Easier to come off.  I too had the loss of appetite, nausea, sweats in the passed.  I had lost 15 lbs last year when peri hit me, which was scary.  I drank shakes, ice cream to keep un the calories until it passed.  I still get hot flashes at night around my period, but I had those before lexapro.

      I was shocked that I did not get migraines on it.  I’ve tried prozac, mirtazpine, and Amitriptyline...I lasted 2 days on them...headaches galore for me!  Took me months to give lexapro a try.  I’ve heard that it can take upwards of 3 months to fully do its job.  I still have dizzy issues around my period.  But, my anxiety was so bad I barely would leave the house and I was petrified of driving ( bad dizzy spell a couple months ago).  That is better now.  Also, my migraines and GERD are virtually gone.  

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      Yes that happened to me too ... was just awful . Lost weight overnight hands constantly wet diarrhea .... I only lasted 2 weeks 
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      HI how long before you started to feel in prove mentioned , on them not sure if to have another go
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      I’d say around 6 weeks.  But, if you stayed on them for 5 weeks, that was a good try.  If the side effects did not subside, maybe it just does not agree with your system,  As long as you took them everyday at the same time.  I take mine in the morning.  Did you have bad side effects coming off?  Did you stop cold or wean off?  I think I’m supposed to be on 10 mg for the full effect, but I am chicken right now. 
  • Posted

    I wish I had the magic pill for these migraines! They are awful... Like you Michelle and Lou I suffer with the migraines too, never before did I have them.. Scary they can be, I get the left temple pain like an ice pick going thru, and left side face ear mouth back of head pain as well as numbness.. Off balance , when I turn too quick feels like I keep turning..weak rubber legs.. Lights and flashing lights all aggravate it.. There is just no answer to all of this, but your not alone I'm suffering too.. Hope it eases up for you and all the others going thru?

    • Posted

      Thanks Gypsy!  This muggy, soupy weather in my part of the world doesn’t help either!  My sinuses and top back teeth ache.  I just ordered a hot/cold head mask for 10 bucks, supposed to help with sinus and migraine pressure...worth a try! 😉

    • Posted

      There is a magic pill it’s called MAXALT  I only take 1/2 pill as they are quite expensive . Migraine gone in 30 mins .
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    It may be the estrogen patches . I’m on them and although lifts some things just making me feel plain weird. I don’t feel myself .... wake up all discombobulated I don’t feel grounded relaxed . I think going to take it off for a week and see how I feel . 
  • Posted

    Maybe you are getting headaches from the estrogen patches? Can you switch to a gel and see if you get some relief?
  • Posted

    Aren’t the headaches hormone related anyway. Weather ur in anything or not.   I am not on anything patches or med form. I suffer terrible from them. I’m 46 and too young according to my lady dr to have any peri menapause symptoms. 

    I take anti inflammatory tablets that were prescribed for my back pain. And the get rid of it after a while


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