Menopause and painful bones
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I have been to physio and been diagnosed with both tennis and golfers elbow in both arms.
I'm not convinced that's what it is. tonight the pain was all the way up my arm and right into the collar bone of my right arm.
could this be to do with menopause and does anyone else suffer from this
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charcey97 angela33631
Its so interesting you mention this. My forearms and elbows have been so sore lately and I have done nothing different. It hasnt reached the collar bone, but they are so incredibly sore. I'm in peri though, so I'm not sure if there's a correlation or not.
kelly55079 angela33631
My Dr told me that the aches and pains (& anxiety) are very real at this time. A pool might soothe your arms. If you have magnesium, take that before bed or soak in a bath with epson salt.
cindy_45475 angela33631
I had Tennis Elbow whilst in peri and also had Frozen shoulder in both arms, these also come from nowhere and I argued at the time that these were due to hormone changes but the GP said there isn't enough evidence to prove this?
I changed my diet and started taking different supplements.
hope you get some relief soon
shylee angela33631
hi angela,
i dont know if its the same thing. but i have suffered with severe pain in my left arm that started off numb then weakness then odd skin sensations and pain.... when the tonnes of peri symptoms came together i started suffering with extremely painful eelbows like tennis elbow. it wakes me up in the night. then my thumbs etc.
my dr doesn't want to hear anything he doesnt believe peri or meno causes pain.
lucy48229 shylee
Haha, my Dr said the same thing! so sad!
lucy48229 angela33631
I had bone pain too, my one is because of lack of Vitamin D. Di you check your vitamin D?
rachel83125 angela33631
hello, I'm in peri and had the sorest elbows, I couldnt lay in bed on my back with my arms at my sides without putting a really soft pillow under each each elbow. The pain was ridiculous & always sore. Dr said it was golfers elbow, I knew it wasnt, it came on at the same time my hips began to hurt like crazy too. Eventually I convinced my GP to put me on combi HRT & within 2 weeks my pain was completly gone. Its definatley a sign of meno.