Menopause and painful skin
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I have recently developed very painful skin on my abdomen. There is no rash or anything visible but the skin is sore to the touch. Even my clothing rubbing against it is painfully sore. I have looked it up and it is called Allodynia and is associated with Fibromyalgia (which I don't have). Has anybody else experienced this? It also happens on my back from time to time. Stays about a month and then goes?
Any help gratefully received.
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jane5216 sinead57494
No experience of that Sinead but I have developed a rash on my legs, abdomen, chest and arms. It doesn't itch or hurt and I feel fine. I guess it must be some sort of allergy but I've never had them before so I suppose it's down to hormonal changes. Anyone else with something similar?
sinead57494 jane5216
Hi Jane, thanks for responding. What is your rash like? I have also developed dermagraphical urticaria which is annoying. How old are you Jane and how long have you been menopausal? I'm 48 in jan and have been having issues for about 3 years.
jane5216 sinead57494
It seems more like random blobs than urticaria - though I did have that when I took Vit D a couple of weeks ago. I'm 52 and been having issues for about 3 - 4 years as well. Hard to say as my periods were never very regular and I had a huge amount of stress for a few years so difficult to know what was perimenopause and what was stress. I'm wondering if I'm allergic to wool ...
sinead57494 jane5216
This menopause is a real battle at times isn't it? Have you finished with your periods now? Mine are quite erratic. Becoming increasingly infrequent and I am getting very hot at night in bed (no sweats though). Just wondering if you are through it and does it settle afterwards?
jane5216 sinead57494
Sorry, been away for work so not replied sooner. I'm not at the 'settled' stage yet, I seem to be at the 'oh look, another new symptom' stage. I think I've finished with periods but had one in the summer after 14 months so went for all the investigations - they're great fun too. But all is well which is the main thing. I think the hormones make us more sensitive to everything so more likely to have a skin reaction or nausea or pain. More sensitive to anxiety and emotionally too - there are things I can't watch on the news and I find people or animals in distress upset me massively. Not that I didn't care before but now I get really, really upset.
jane5216 sinead57494
By the way, I think my rash is excema - I've never had it before and now I'm covered in it. Glamourous!
maria101 sinead57494
Hi Sinead, yes I did had my skin hurting me feel bit sore...I had put up a discussion on here sometime back asking anybody if they had skin pain but nobody did so it's not your one I get too.