menopause and symptoms

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Hi, im seemingly peri menopausal and im looking for some help and advice.Is it normal to get sore legs every other day? my body feels tired all the time and i seem to let things bother me that really shouldnt, best way i can descibe it is i feel all over the place and i cant be bothered with things. some days i even feel like crying..Is all this normal?


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    My legs feel like that everyday. The only way I can describe it is like they feel like they did right before I would get my period, but now it's all the time.

    During my worse weeks (period and week after) I can have a total meltdown and go on a nice crying jag.

  • Posted

    yes sounds like me when i was peri menopausal. i still feel like cying some days.
  • Posted

    Yes Pauline I have felt what you feel. My legs,shoulder and arms feel achy for me magnesium seems to be helping. I started taking alot of vitamins. Its a scary feeling almost to the point that i thought i had bone cancer sad . Yes things bother me that shouldnt its a weird feeling sad . I have gone through all menopausal symptoms for a year and a half and i feel things are getting a little better you just have to find what works for you. I am on the estradiol patch .025 I wanted to go natural but had not worked for me. I hope you find something soon that will help you everyone is different, Thanks 
    • Posted

      Columba84250 I have those exact pains. Legs too but my arm feels heavy and weak and hurts. Mostly my right but occasionally my left too. Did you ever find any relief?
    • Posted

      Hello kelle I went to physical therapy for 3 months. I am better still get that bone ache but it’s not as bad. I got off the patch a month ago. Started feeling  tired but going to gym 3 x a week helps. I stopped the patch because I started getting left breast pain had to stop coffee too 😩. My breast pain is a little better. Right now I am struggling with bad throat ache. Can’t figure out if it’s acid reflux or allergies post nasal drip. I just had an X-ray done last week if my throat I am getting results this week. If it’s not one thing it’s the other. I hope you are well.

  • Posted

    All normal I get itchy, cry, anti reflux, ringing in ears you name it I've had it

  • Posted

    Yep all normal well as the flushes , feeling hot all night, aches, pains and generally feeling 20 years older ....after trying so hard to go natural for almost 2 years I went to doctor today and got HRT......I want a quality of life
  • Posted

    I went through a phase with constantly sore legs and joints.  Definitely there with you on the tired body, feeling all over the place, crying, can't be bothered, etc.  It is all normal, unfortunately.

  • Posted

    Hi Pauline, I think it's normal I'm bit so too lost interest and don't want to do nothing but I'm pushing myself daily with it..I go out if I have too, we all the same have you reach Post yet

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