Menopause anxiety and probably losing my marbles
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I think I've hit a new low I got into my head that because it was so warm my daughter had had an asthma attack and she was lying in her house very unwell so I phoned her at twelve o'clock at night and frightened her out of her skin cause my anxiety had got the better of me. My daughter was well if not totally p****d off for me phoning and she was worried something was wrong with me.
That's what I've turned into an irrational woman I was never like this before menopause and peri menopause. I am sick of feeling anxious and out of control .
I know that I'm awaiting results but my heads in a whirl and I know there are many women like me so why have they not got something that puts your hormones back where they should be, something synthetic that makes your head and body feel great not like its ready for the dustbin.
Again sorry for been a pain in the butt....only place to get my feelings out , doctors don't give a hoot just another number .
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klm1213 heather29740
when all of this started about two years ago that's exactly how I was...
it does calm down a lot!
Sassyr12a heather29740
Hi Heather
It's a scary thing I know. It helped me to kind of take some control over things while everything was up in the air. I found it helped to structure the life out of my day, so up in the morning have breakfast, go for a brisk walk, try and so some work then lunch, then meditation, then housework, then yoga, then a snack, then a bath, cook tea, meditation and bed. I know it may sound ridiculous but the routine of it helped me to have some security at a time where I felt completely out of control. Try not to freak yourself out, get some structure when you wait for your results and then get advice on what options are available. Bhrt and hrt have helped me a lot, plus diet, exercise, and supplements. Lots of love, Sara x p. s your daughter will forgive you 😘
AJacynM heather29740
I'm so with you... like I've said before, I honestly feel like an alien i my own body! I want the old me back!
All we can do is try to see the best in every day, go with the feelings knowing what they are and knowing, as others have said - it will pass? It's so frustrating though not knowing how long it will go on for and that help out there is so limited.
I take supplements and try to do a little exercise when my achey joints allow... I'm only 47 but feel so much older! 😦
Try to stay upbeat if you can, and don't let meno win!