menopause at 31 or something else?high fsh and normal estradiol
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hi ladies,
im 31. no health issue or meds. i had an irragular cycle and i decided to have it checked. i did a smear test and the doc decided to check some hormones as well. to our surprise my fsh during my cycle was 16 and one week later during no cycle, it was 45. he checked thyroid, lh, estradiol, gonadropin(cant spell it)..some other female hormones...all normal. except my fsh and my cortisol which was also high. i dont have any other symptom. and none in my family had premature menopause. he asked me to freeze eggs...but im terrified. im only 31..and im not handling these news well. i feel so bad that im going to quit my job and move back with my family. the doc also mentioned pituitary tumor..but i think its very unlikely.
does anyone have any similar experience and if my fsh is high...wouldnt my estradiol be low?
in case i have premature menopause he said he will give me meds to slow it down.
i mean...does this mean my love life is over? should i just get 10 cats and move in with them?
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tina00239 carrotcake
carrotcake tina00239
no kids, no family, no man would want someone with no sex drive and no functional vagina...
im just too young for menopause
now i will need to quit my job abroad, move back home where i will be unemployed for perhaps years...(country in crisis)...and ill need to find a bf asap lol. in my home country, all the meds and freezing the eggs are soooo much cheaper than where im currently living.
i feel this is shuttering all my dreams.
tina00239 carrotcake
I really believe that your life is not over yet. Where do you live now and where is your home country? I'm sure any treatment you were put on where you are currently living, could be transfered to your home country if you decided that you really needed to move back home. I believe that stress, depression and anxiety are what is ruling your life at the moment all the more reason to get some treatment so you dont end up making a wrong decision that could effect the rest of your life. You havent got close family round you, so do you have a close friend who can support you? If not, we are all here to help you if we can but ultimately you need to make a big positive decision, to improve your quality of life. You really need professional help so you can cope, and hopefully make the right decision for you. XXX
carrotcake tina00239
well i made the mistake to google it and it showed all sorts of stories of young women saying they cant be intimate any more.
im in uk. i dont have access to private healthcare. im not insured by my work, they only insure managers lol.
i dont really have anyone close to me here...but even if i did...i couldnt disclose this to them. i come from a culture when you actually need to have your 'own genetically related' kids and adoption is still seen as something not very usual. im adopted btw. so if i tell people...they might tell people...and this might have an effect on how men around me view me. infertile. lol.
im from a country on the south, freezing eggs is less than 1000usd and you can call the doctor whenever you want, have all tests free etc. i dont believe i would get the best treatment here in uk. i would if i was rich and could afford private docs. and had the not on any treatment yet. my docs want to do further tests...but i cant fly back home before july because managers wont give me any time off. im concerned that by july it will be too late.
tina00239 carrotcake
My dear girl, the UK has one of the best free healthcare systems in the world. People from all over the world come here for specialist care. Some of the best endocrine (hormone) drs are situated in London hospitals and you can be sent there by any dr, anywhere in the country. How do I know this? Because I have been sent to whatever specialists there are available in London for numerous health issues and have always received the best care available at no cost. You dont need to pay to get good medical care in this country. I've lived my whole life here. I'm adopted too. My dr is fantastic and sends me to the best specialists there are. You are in a very good country for expert and high quality and free healthcare. As you have worked here you will be entitled to access it. Dont be afraid. I am only still alive due to the constant and continuous healthcare I have had. I also think you are jumping the gun. If you get and have treatment really soon, the drs should be able to prevent you from menopausing early. I used to attend one of the best endocrine clinics in the country at St. Bartholomews Hospital in London, and I live right on the south coast of UK. Do you really want to give up your job and go home? Why not try things out here first and see how it goes before you up sticks and move back home. You say apart from family there isnt much there for you, so trust the drs here and see if they can sort things for you so you can keep your job as it obviously means alot to you. XXX
carrotcake tina00239
you are right, nhs can be amazing. compared to US especially. but on this occassion i dont have the time i think...cos ill need a referral letter from my gp, and then the appointment will be in a couple of weeks or months. if it there was no urgency then sure.
i remember they were investigating my bruises and i was sent to ..umm...i dont remember...the best one in london for hematological disorders...and the appointment was 11 months after i saw the gp. at that time i didnt mind. but now i dont have time
tina00239 carrotcake
Your boss cannot under employment laws in this country stop you from attending necessary medical appointments. Alot of surguries now open longer hours too. Also I'm sure that whatever dr sees you will know how urgent the situation is and get you an urgent appointment to see someone. Dont be put off! XXX
marcia_27799 carrotcake
Don't panic, be positive and definitely look for 2nd, and 3rd opinions
carrotcake marcia_27799
i live abroad, and called my mum all panicked, and cried like crazy...and to my surprise she said 'i had POF at 37 too. thats how you came into our lives', i was adopted. so its really rare that she had it too!
my birth family all had menopause at 55.
vicky77852 carrotcake
carrotcake vicky77852
(im adopted so i didnt inherit it as my birth family had menopause at 55).
what makes me sad is that i feel my youth is now taken from me? i suddenly feel 60 years old and scared
vicky77852 carrotcake
carrotcake vicky77852
the doc reassured me theres nothing to be afraid, cos i told him i dont want to get old or to have wrinkled skin or any new disorder which comes with menopause and he said thats all bs. so..i hope he is right.. my mum who had meno at 37 and is now 78 looks like shes 50.
vicky77852 carrotcake
carrotcake vicky77852
last year i had a ct scan which showed normal active follicle. how can my stupid ovaries declined so fast
have you freezed eggs? did they say you should? mine did, but its super expensive here.
vicky77852 carrotcake