Menopause at 45. Now 48 and want to try HRT
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Hi, I was diagnosed with menpause at the early age of 45. I have not tried HRT as I was terrifed of it due to the studies indicating early breast cancer etc. I have hot flashes, mood swing, I feel like I am aging much faster, ( less hair growth, thin hair, dull skin) total insomnia and the worse loss of libido etc. I talked to two doctors, one a female who takes it herself and one a male who said it will for sure incrase my risk of breast cancer and then he suggested I get a bone density check and thyroid check. I did have a thyroid test last year that came out fine. Should I get one every year? My mom had early menopause and took HRT all the way until 67 then they made her get off. Anyone have any good experience with it? Has everyone had a bone density test?
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bobbysgirl k12563
I agree with the girls. I was on HRT and it DID work very well. But then I started bleeding again.
I'm now on sage leaves (find the right brand, they vary in efficacy), Vit's C, D3 and K2 (more on that later) Magnesium and I eat flax seeds daily (in porridge or with yoghurt). Not only are they rich in Omega 3 but the ones you don't chew act like a scouring pad in your colon and helpkeep you 'regular'!
Pat is right, sugar is a no, no. As are any highly processed foods. Read the labels, if it sounds like a petrochemical works that means it is. Margarine is a by product of the oil industry and the added 'vits' are mineral based and no good for you.
That brings me on to bone density. As we age our bones become less dense - fact. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. Calcium tablets, however, are a bad thing. It is more important to get your calcium from food (dairy and dark green leafy veg) Vit D helps to utilise calcium and K2 makes sure it gets to your bones and NOT your arteries.
Since I have been doing all that I have lost weight and have more energy and (much) fewer flushes. The one thing I can't seem to do anything about is the joint/muscle pain from every injury I ever had, that have all come back to haunt me. Still, I'm working on it.
BTW Menopace didn't work for me and it contains soy.
metamorphed bobbysgirl
marli310 bobbysgirl
Just wanted to add that chia seeds are a great source of calcium.
bobbysgirl metamorphed
I know you can get flax seed oil, but I have organic golden flax seeds.
We only found out about K2 recently. We knew that D3 was important and that most of us in the Northern hemisphere are deficient in it. But new research is finding out that as Vit D3 helps to 'extract' calcium from your food, K2 makes sure it gets to your bones and not your arteries. Which can only be a good thing, right?
The tabs I take are Vit K2 MK7 100mcg - if that means anything!
I've heard of Macca, but never tried it. Let me know how you go on.
bobbysgirl marli310
Hi marli, adding chia seeds to the list! That's flax, sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, plus coconut, golden raisins (for a little sweetness), almonds, walnuts. Yummy.
marli310 bobbysgirl
You may already know this, but if not, when you get while flaxseeds ground them in a little electric grinder as you need them. And keep them refrigerated. Grinding releases all the goodness and refrigeration prevents them from going rancid.
marli310 bobbysgirl
That's a great list of stuff!
bobbysgirl marli310
A mortar and pestle does the same job. if you don't 'crack' flax seeds they, er, go straight through! Like Dynorod.
marli310 bobbysgirl
metamorphed bobbysgirl
i will definitely try the flax seeds and vit k2 so thnks for that! I will see how I get on with maca, hopefully good things! thnks again
looloo43 k12563
Hi K. I am 45, started peri roughly 5mths ago, but onset could be as long as 2yrs ago as had very irreg bleeding for 2yrs, then all the other horrid symptoms crept in approx 5mths ago. I started hrt in april. estrogel nightly, & utrogestan tablets=200mg nightly days 15-26 of a 28day cycle. the mental symptoms, headaches & sleeplessness are immensly better. the 2yrs of irreg bleeding has been eliminated. i still get night sweats, but now many of the other symptoms are improved i can cope with that. i am ill with other matters at present & off work, & i truly believe if i hadnt started the hrt when i did, i would not be coping mentally right now. the only side effects i've had are bit of tenderness in breast on & off through the month, & boobs feel fuller/firmer (happy days!!) i have put on between 5-7lbs which fluctuates day to day by 2lbs sometimes(water) which i am told is quite normal for women anyway. but this weight gain could also be due to the fact i am off work resting/not doing much due to illness too, will not really know til i am better & back at work. like you i was worried about poss risks of hrt. my gp is a meno specialist & i had 2 long consultations with her before deciding to try it. she put me on a low dose/low risk regimen & luckily this formula suits me(sometimes women have to try different regimens before they find what suits them/improves symptoms). the transdermal formulas carry the lowest risk (gels, patches). when hrt came out 10yrs plus ago, there were lots of initial health scares, but also now there are many more newer formulas that carry very low risks compared to when hrt first came out. also if you have estrogen, you must "oppose" it with protective progesterone. if you are thinking about it k, i would ask your gp surgery if they have a gp there that specialises in meno or gynae, or a meno nurse to get the best advice on hrt for you personally, then weigh up for yourself if you want to try it. you normally have to give it at least 3mths to see if it helps. hope this helps hun. xx
mary_46067 k12563
Hi their it's been probably 8 years since I have went through the full change and I had been taking HRT for years and I didn't have any problems. Your chances of Breast cancer only got up a percent or 2 and I was willing to risk it to ease my symptoms as mine were ridiculous bad I was having all flushes and headaches and quite dizzy. At my old ripe age of 76 I'm always open to giving advice and I say just take it cause it will help but your opinion matters most of all. Many regards -Mary
Zigangie k12563
Hi k,
I tried lots of supplements and anti depressants.
The lady care magnate.
Then I decided to try HRT and so far it's brilliant.
No more depression anxiety aches and pains or heart palpitations.
Sex life is better my skin looks better.
For me the risk is worth it.
If you are looking into it be aware that the older horse urine types are less well tolerated than bio identical and the transdermal route bypasses the liver.